- Faithful readers Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi (FUMC-Kissimmee) and her husband Jun had to relocated their sushi restaurant in Clearwater over the past couple of weeks. They were just moving next door, but as often happens in such situations nothing went as planned and it was very stressful. It doesn't help that "Bob" is less than a month away from giving birth. Please keep them in your prayers.
- Ashley Goad Broadhurst (Springfield Friends Meeting) is headed back to Haiti this week, so be sure to keep her in your prayers. You know it's a read shame she never gets out of the house... :)
- One of my first and most faithful readers, Lauren Carr Cacciatore, will be on vacation this week with her hubby Brad. Have a great time, Lauren!
- If all goes well, later today I will be sharing a meal with Wayne and Janet Cook (FUMC-K). I'm really excited to sit down and visit with these dear old friends!
- Christie Weatherby (Twitter) wrote this week that I am one of the funniest people she has ever know. HA! Take that, all of you who never laughed at my jokes! And Christie, my dear...you should probably get out more often!!!
- Speaking of Twitter, I tweeted this yesterday in response to our current political mess and it got a huge response, so I thought I'd be brave and share it again: People who protested Bush's policies were "traitors." People who hate Obama are "patriots." The really smart people are "Canadian." Send all responses to one of our friends in DC so they can pass it on- like Jacob Lupfer or Todd Willis (both FUMC-K)!!!
- My wife and son leave Elkin, NC in the morning and will spend the next week in Myrtle Beach. Keep them in your prayers, and keep me in mind for dinner dates! Lisa Jewett (Wesley UMC) went above and beyond the call this week, but she is leaving town to go vacation with family in Asheville, NC. Someone is going to need to step up! :) And no one ever does this when I ask, but if you feel so led I'd love to hear something one of you remembers about one of our youth group Myrtle Beach trips in the comment section- if it will work!
- This comes to us via Dr. Jill Watson: Laura (Drapkin) Croft is also expecting a little Nathaniel on or about August 4. I'm sure she and Charlie would appreciate your prayers. And so we should pray now!
- My incredible growing Twitter family seems to be leaving lots of comments these days, including great friends like Amy Nabors, Tracee Persiko, Chris Wesley, Seiji Yamashita and Cindy Holoman. Plus old friends like the aforementioned Todd Willis and Jacob Lupfer have been here; Meagan Hill Halquist is back from her baby hiatus (and her blog is back too! http://thehalquistfamily.blogspot.com/ ); Cindy Martin and Brook Teoli Phelps (all FUMC-K) keep stopping by; and the great Charles Freedle (Springfield Friends) has been here as well- along with so many others! I am so blessed!
- And finally, here's today's interactive section: Where did you go on the best vacation trip of your life (so far)? Easy one for me- the 1993 trip from NC to Walt Disney World with the youth of Springfield Friends Meeting! Leave your destination in a comment!
Because of Jesus,