
Saturday, June 25, 2011

By Request: More Jerry Hanbery

Butch & Sundance
Happy Birthday today to 3 awesome people- Lisa Kraus Spires, Sara Thacker Reiter and Max Rees.  Tomorrow's post will feature a funny story about Max at the request of his granddaughter, Laurie Rees!

If you go to the little box labeled Search on the upper left-hand corner of this page and type in the name Jerry Hanbery, it will return to you several dozen posts (and a Hall of Fame listing!) from this blog that feature my good friend and former Summer Intern.  And yet when Marilyn and I asked on Facebook Thursday night if anyone had any requests for stories, the overwhelming response (from alumni of our 1st UMC Kissimmee group, who always chime in even when it's not about them!) was "More Jerry!"  I have told so many stories already, and there are some that I cannot tell now that Jerry is a big shot attorney with possible political ambitions.  He is already worried that this blog points out many of the skeletons in his closet.  But still, not wanting to disappoint my public, here we go. I have chosen to do this in the style of the great Chris Farley Show from SNL, as if I was asking Jerry these questions...

*Remember when you shaved your head that summer and then when it started to grow back on an Atlanta trip and you let those middle school girls convince you to use Nair?  And your head turned red and your scalp burned for 3 days?  That was awesome...

*Remember when you dressed up in a Chewbacca costume and went into people's homes and grabbed them out of bed, threw them over your shoulder and carried them out to the church van?  Remember how terrified Erin Augenblick was?  That was awesome...

*Remember how when it would get really late at the Ocoee Inn and you would go outside and...oh wait.  I can't tell that story.  But it was awesome...

*Remember how every summer we would build the World's Largest Banana Splits in those wallpaper trays, and while other people would eat with a spoon you would just stick your whole face in the tray?  And people would get grossed out and not eat any more, which left more for us?  That was awesome...

*Remember when we would take groups to the Florida Mall for Mall Madness, and you and I would just wander around and...oh wait.  I REALLY can't tell that story.  But it was totally awesome...

*Remember the time in New York when the subway doors were closing and you stepped in and rescued my Mom?  Remember how she claims she'd still be there if you hadn't saved her?  Remember how she holds that over my head to this day?  That's just awesome...

*Remember when we drove the group 10 hours to Myrtle Beach, stayed there about 18 hours, and then drove back?  Remember how tired we were and how cool the kids thought it was that we would do something that wild & stupid?  That was awesome...

*Remember the summer that Teresa Reep worked with us?  Remember how we never got anything done in the office because we were laughing too hard?  Remember how she made us eat lunch at Macaroni Grill all the time?  Remember how I always had to pay?  That was...uh...yeah, it was awesome...

I never had more fun doing youth ministry than I had those summers I worked with Jerry.  And contrary to what you might think after reading this post, we accomplished a lot.  Jerry has been a great encouragement and a great friend these past few years, but he's actually been affirming me for years.  The picture you see at the left is of a banner he had made at a National Youth Workers Convention we attended together.  It was later moved into my office closet at FUMC-K (remember the Wendy's cups?  Wow!).  That's the Jerry I will always remember.  So Sundance, if this blog has indeed put the kibosh on your dreams of being the next Sarah Palin, I apologize...maybe.  But please know that you have already made a difference in the lives of 100s through your barely compensated work as an Intern.  Now please- don't sue me!

Ok- I'm done.  Who else wants to share a Jerry story?


  1. From veteran youth pastor Jason Huffman, via Twitter---> "Never had a YM intern, but this post made me wish I had."

  2. Jerry says:

    Dear Bit**---I mean, Butch Cassidy: In an effort to both clear my name and set the record straight regarding any of these alleged incidents, I have but one response: Guilty as charged. However, I was simply an accomplice for the devious masterminds that set me up in these stories. It was Bob and Teresa who plied me with jolt cola on Spanish Wells that led to harassing bon jovi songs at 1 am. It was Erin's Mom that asked me to show up as chewbacca because she told me she really liked hairy men. Regarding the nair incident, it was middle schoolers who convinced me that nair improved bible memorization skills. Regarding New York, I simply saw Mayor Guiliani littering on the subway and needed to take a moment to remind him of his own efforts to clean up the city. Ocoee did not happen; there were aliens that looked like me. And finally, Carl was the one who convinced me that myrtle beach really was better in eighteen hour increments rather than, say, a 72 hour event. All in all I was a victim not the perpetrator...Is that thunder outside?...uh maybe I did have a little role in these stories.

    I cant help it; you guys were just way too much fun!

    Jerry's wife says: He makes up stuff.

  3. I remember Jerry walking right in front of me as we climbed the Statue of Liberty....and embarrassing me in so many ways....unspeakable ways. LOL That was, um, awesome.

    And for the record -- I don't recall getting paid much, if at all, that summer so SOMEONE had to pay. And I don't recall anyone putting up much of a fight for Macaroni Grill. Enough said.

  4. I am so proud of Jerry for finally figuring out how to leave a comment- let Melissa do it! :) Good to see he is still far from reality! And Teresa- I had forgotten about your "climb of shame." Good times...


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