
Friday, June 24, 2011

A Blurry Vision

"Are we human?  Or are we dancers?  I'm on my knees looking for the answer..."  - The Killers

I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about how we complicate Christianity.  I read several articles and blogs over the past few weeks that left me feeling (more than ever) like we've replaced following Jesus with political posturing, business meetings, Christian celebrities and inane theological debates.  I've had a couple of conversations with friends about the stagnation that occurs when churches count on leadership by committee rather than the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The more I read and chatted, the more frustrated I grew.  And finally, on Wednesday, I found myself joining some friends in lashing out with cynical and sarcastic Tweets.   Here are some of the worst- many of them directed at fellow fed-up Christ-followers...
  • A friend offered his opinion that church choirs seem outdated.  Now I have sung in many such choirs, but my response to him was this bit of sarcasm:  What??? Outdated? Have you not seen the rush to purchase church choir & organ music on I-Tunes? :)
  • Every time I mean to type the word "Methodist" I instead type "methodsit." Coincidence? I think not....
  • Q: How many church leaders does it take to change a light bulb? A: CHANGE! Who said anything about change!
  • My friend Robert tweeted this: They would have to have a committee form a committee to see about that committee, then the final committee answers.  I responded: LOL I think I have served on that committee in 4 different denominations!!!
  • I'm feeling very anti-establishment this week- in case you can't tell! LOL
  • I think I need to overthrow something. :) You know, a coup'd'etat of some sort. Just need a target! Suggestions?
  • No, you guys are safe. It's the people doing business & politics in the name of Jesus that need to duck... grrrrr
  • YO, Leadership Gurus: Christian leadership's not about how U lead, it's about WHO U follow. If that's not Chapter 1, then I'm out! 
I think you get the picture.  I was in a bad state of mind.  But also from this plethora of negativity came a vision for something very cool.  The vision is still quite blurry, but it's taking hold of my heart.  And here's how I introduced it to my Twitter followers: I think I'll start a new event in Tampa next Feb. No meetings. No famous speakers. No cost. Just Jesus, worship & the beach! :) Who's in?  

About a dozen friends responded over the first 24 hours with excitement- and several requests for reservations!  It seems that I am not alone in my frustration.  People from all over are excited about Jesus and irritated with the institution of the church.  They want to see the teachings of Jesus restored as the central message of our faith.  Just like on the hillsides of Galilee all those years ago, they want to gather with other Christ-followers and share with one another.  And maybe- just maybe- God is calling us to gather groups to explore what the church would look like if we actually lived out Acts 2:42. What would a community of faith look like if we simply loved God and loved each other like Jesus commanded?   Like I said, the vision is still blurry.  So here's what I need from you- all of you!  Pray for me and for my blurry vision, and offer your insights and feedback- positive & negative.  I love the church, and I want to do everything I can to restore it to what God wants it to be.  If this is a path God has chosen for me to follow, then I want to dive in head first and stir things up for the Kingdom.  If not, then I will eagerly await any opportunity to change my little corner of the world in the name of Jesus.  In the words of Third Day, "Don't give up faith, don't give up hope.  There's always something better waiting around the corner..."  Praise God for that truth!  Have a blessed weekend.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Go for it, CJ!!! - Chris C.

  2. Anonymous6/24/2011

    Oh I would be there in a heartbeat!!! - Kelly K.

  3. Anonymous6/24/2011

    I don't tweet so this is the first I have heard of it - I will be there, tell me when!!!
    I have been feeling very distant from the "church" for awhile now and I know God has not moved - I probably have due to the "institution" of the Church. That saddens me to no end because I feel, at the moment, with my children educated in the Church, grown and gone that I no longer have the fight for it. I know my heart and my faith and do not have the energy for the fight right now......
    Jesus please help me!!!!!

  4. Anonymous6/24/2011

    I got your back. Bringing up the rear.

  5. There must be something radical about this idea for the comments to all be Anonymous. Makes me think it definitely needs to happen! Keep praying!


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