
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hall of Fame: Connor Lewis

Welcome to Hall of Fame Week!!!

Happy Independence Day, everyone!  There have been many students I have encountered over the years for whom youth group was a significant, even crucial, part of their lives.  There have been others, who through their leadership skills, personalities and other positive traits have been very important to my student ministries.  It is, in my experience, rare to find those who fit both categories.  When you do, you almost certainly have a Youth Group Hall of Fame candidate.  In fact, you have people who deserve their own special room.  Connor Lewis (far left in above picture) was a prime example of such a student.  He has often told me over the years how important our group was to him.  Today I want to remind him how important he was to that youth group- and to me.

Connor grew up in the First United Methodist Church of Kissimmee.  His mom and dad (who will get his own post here in a couple of weeks) were church members, and his younger sister Carrie would eventually be part of our ministry as well (Carrie actually deserves a spot in the Hall of Shame for giving my son his first Barney toy, but that's not what we are here to talk about!).  When I arrived in 1994, Connor was part of a group of students from the church who attended private schools, and I was told from the beginning that this group would be difficult to involve in my ministry.  There seemed to be a disconnect between them and the rest of students.  But Connor was different.  Even though he was always the only one from his school attending our events, he was always there.  The fact that he attended a private Catholic school, Bishop Moore, actually became a connecting point with many of the other kids.  During discussions, Connor would often ask questions or make statements based on the Catholic perspective he was learning at school.  He became our "go-to-guy" on all things Catholic, and we began referring to him as The Pope.  It became a part of his persona, both a badge of honor and something we could harass him about at times. 

Connor was important to that group on a number of levels. First of all, he seemed like exactly the kind of student who didn't need a group like ours.  He was popular, confident, smart and well-rounded.  He had plenty of good friends at school.  He was part of a wonderful family.  He didn't seem to have the needs often associated with the teenagers for whom youth group becomes important.  The fact that all of this was true and yet he CHOSE to be a part of our family was not lost on the other youth.  It made them feel special.  And Connor was not just there; he participated.  He went on trips (including New York trips, Ski Trips and our infamous Live To Tell Weekend).  He single-handedly kept SHO-Time afloat until others caught on.  He had crushes on girls in the group (and from Spanish Wells...remember Peter Pan's Flight?).  He was a champion 4-Square player.  He was part of one of the worst youth group basketball teams in history.  And he was, above all, a great friend to us all and a seeker of God in the truest since of the word.  He once told me that he struggled with the idea of faith, but that the dc Talk song Mind's Eye helped him understand it more; "faith is the evidence of things unseen."  Anyone who struggles and learns like that is someone who is truly seeking Jesus.

He made me feel special as well.  He came to me with problems and with joys.  He constantly told me how much he enjoyed what we did.  And just the fact that he showed up when he had so many other options made me feel like I was doing something right.  It is so easy to lose students who don't have school friends in youth group.  My own son has gone through that and didn't survive.  Connor didn't just survive; he THRIVED

I have spoken with Connor a few times over the years, and we both get a bit emotional when we remember those days.  I was fortunate enough to attend his wedding and see him begin a new chapter of his life.  He and his beautiful family now live in Atlanta, and Marilyn told me recently that she read on Facebook that they are expecting another child.  I have no doubt that he is a wonderful father and husband, because he throws himself into the things that are important to him.  I am so thankful that our youth ministry at FUMC-K was one of those things.  It is my great honor and pleasure to add Connor Lewis to the growing list of those in my Youth Group Hall of Fame.  Welcome, Pope And just for you... GO GATORS!!!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much for the kind words, they are very meaningful to me. I very much enjoyed my time at FUMC-K and all my experiences, even those on dark Disney rides! Seriously, it was an honor to be a part of the Youth Group community and it really helped to shape my beliefs and values today. Thanks for everything!


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