
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Saturday (Almost!) Shout Outs!

Whoop whoop! Welcome to another edition of the Saturday Shout Outs! Yes- I know it's Sunday, but that is a detail you will just have to get over! My name is Carl, and for the next 9 bullet points I will be your guide through exciting adventures, prayer requests and random ramblings on this lovely Sunday morning. So strap in and hold on tight- and let's get this show on the road!!!

  • Marilyn & I had to bid a fond farewell this week to the computer that had been the home of this blog since August of 2009. The new model is all loaded up and ready to rumble. And it is so stinking fast!!! We also have a new washing machine which seems really slow. The ups and downs of new technology, huh?
  • My dear friend Teresa Reep Tysinger has not been feeling well and the doctors are still trying to determine the "why?" Please keep her in your prayers. And if you know Teresa, please let her know that Matilda is a fine name for her new car!
  • To all of my friends in faith who insist on using Old Testament scripture to proof-text your own beliefs, here are a couple of things to remember. First of all, if you are going to hold to OT law then you need to give up shellfish and pork, straighten the tassels on your robes and find some unsuspecting lamb to sacrifice. Either Jesus changed everything or he did not change anything. Scripture is not a collection of short stories, it is a continuous narrative. The revelations of the living God did not end with the canon of scripture; God is alive and working today. And if Jesus didn't change everything, if we are under law and not grace, then there is no Good News. Thus endeth today's sermon.
  • My friends Jun & Jennifer (Bob) Kuramochi have been living through a rough week over which they have no control. Keep them and their church in your prayers.
  • Lisa Kraus Spires and Sara Thacker Reiter celebrated birthdays yesterday, and I hope both had a marvelous day! Insert your own "Craft Nazis" joke here!
  • Last weekend the sadly misguided folks from Westboro Baptist Church came to Orlando to protest the funerals of some of the people murdered in the Orlando shootings. You may have seen on the news that they were met with a peaceful intervention by a group of citizens dressed an angels who stayed between the WBC group and the families of the victims. It was an incredible display of meeting hatred with love. What you may not know is that one of the organizing angels was Colleen Martin Hooks, a member of my Youth Group Hall of Fame. She (and her mom Cindy) was already one of my favorite people. Now she is my hero. Thank you Colleen for reminding us all that we can make a difference.
  • Max Rees, who was Senior Pastor during the years I served Springfield Friends Meeting, would have been 88 years old yesterday. I think of him often, and of his children and grandchildren even more frequently. It was an honor to spend 8 years as a part of that amazing family.
  • Will & Michelle rode both the new version of Soarin' and the new Frozen Ever After attractions at EPCOT on Friday. They give them both 4 thumbs way up- and that is saying something, because Will REALLY wanted to hate that Frozen ride!!!
  • We hope you all are having a great summer! If you are among the bazillions coming to central Florida in the next couple of months, let us know. We'd love to see you!
That seems like a good place to quit. By the way- there are gators in Florida. Our state university mascot is the Gator. We have a road called Alligator Alley. We have a theme park called Gatorland. This is not new information. My mom and dad used to have gators who would sun themselves on their driveway. Respect the gator, but don't let recent events scare you. They have always been here. It was their state first! Take care, be excellent to each other, and let's get together again soon!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks CJ! No one deserves to be met with that kind of hatred, especially in a time of mourning. We just did what needed to be done. :)

    - Colleen


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