
Friday, September 25, 2015

A Great Day- and Then Betrayal!

Will Jones, Traitor
Yesterday was a really good day. In the early morning I posted my plan (Save It or Shave It?) to raise money for friend Lisa Jewett's Go Fund Me page by "selling" votes to save or shave my moustache at $5 each. As of today's posting we had attracted over $475 to the cause in one day. There were 44 votes to shave and 45 votes to save, plus an anonymous $250 donation worth 90 votes that could sway the entire contest if claimed. Then I spent the day with Lisa as she received her second chemo treatment, and everything went very smoothly. Things got even better when late in the afternoon I asked the nurse if the numbers had come back on the levels of cancerous cells in her blood work from the morning, and they had. In the 3 weeks since her first chemo the counts had been more than cut in half, meaning the chemo is working and working well! As we anticipate more of the rough days that follow such treatments, she will be spending the next few days at our house where I can keep an eye on her (just call me Nurse Carl). She was still feeling good late last night. Like I was a good day.

There was only one fly in the ointment. I asked my son Will to write a brief post indicating his preference when it came to saving or shaving my moustache, hoping to encourage more gifts and more votes. Lisa and I expected him to sway people to save it, per her wishes. Instead, he sent me this slightly dramatic blurb:

There comes a day, when the repressed of the world must overcome. There comes a day when man can no longer be ruled by the precedent of what has come before or what has been, but must forge a new path for himself. Nay, a new path for the world. For a trailblazer as brave and courageous as this is not only rejecting the ideals of conformity, but whole-heartedly embracing the morals and themes that this great nation, this great world was forged upon. Our forefathers, and their forefathers before them, long dreamed of the day when man would no longer be faced with oppression. A day when man could stand squarely in the face of expectations and tribulations, without a drop of fear in his heart and say unto them, “I am man.” A day when the good-hearted people of this world would be free to live life as they see fit, not as others see fit. I say unto you my brothers and sisters: Today is that day.
The mustache must be vanquished, in the name of valor, in the name of justice, in the name of all that is holy. It must be done.  ~Will Jones

Well my dear son, I can only quote Caddyshack and say, "Tanks por nuffin'!" We want everyone to vote. We want you all to donate. And we really, really want you to ignore Will. Vote to save, not to shave! Thanks for all of the prayers you have sent Lisa's way and to all who have donated. God is Good. And to use Lisa's motto, "we are going to move this mountain!!!"  Have a wonderful weekend!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous9/25/2015

    Your son is too funny! That's brilliant! - Tom

  2. HAHAHAHA. Will, this is too funny. I disagree, but so funny.

  3. Anonymous9/28/2015

    Great stuff, Will! And I voted with you! ~ Chris Cooper


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