
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday Shout Outs!

We are already over halfway through the first month of 2014. Can you believe it? I am so excited with the direction this blog is headed this year. Between the #DangerDays posts, Magic Moments and the 30/30 Vision series it feels like we are off to a great start. I hope my readers agree! But because time is flying it's already time for another edition of my Saturday Shout Outs! Jump in and hang on!!!

* For reasons known only to God and Captain Internet, yesterday my Hall of Fame page received a ton of visits. My post yesterday had me thinking about my time at Springfield Friends Meeting, and between those 2 things I began to do an inventory of Springfield folks who had been previously inducted. I realized immediately I am guilty of at least 3 big oversights. So without any further delay, I want to welcome 3 new faces the my Youth Ministry Hall of Fame. There may well be more to come!
Stacy, Natalie & HOF member Holly Harward Yandle
Stacy Gilbreth Sponseller -I cannot remember a trip, adventure or Sunday afternoon youth meeting that Stacy was not a part of after aging into the youth group. There were so many classic moments (I will never forget her float with the hole in the crack at Myrtle Beach!) and so many laughs. Stacy also had the privilege of being the second owner of the first car I ever bought- my 1984 Renault Encore. She drove Frenchy until it died. Or was killed. I'm fuzzy on how it ended! The group would not have been the same with Stacy, and neither would I!
Natalie Whitaker Thorne - Natalie transformed right in front of our eyes from a shy, often homesick middle school student to someone who couldn't wait to go with us everywhere we went! She was quiet, but oh so sneaky- and we loved her oh so much. Nat was also among the crew who came to see us in Kissimmee a few times after we moved. Like Stacy, she should have been inducted to the HOF a long time ago.
Kelly in all her glory!
Kelly Allen Olmeda - Even if Kelly had never done anything else as part of our youth ministry (and she did lots) she would deserve HOF recognition based only on the 1990 trip to Walt Disney World. Her tales of Tyrone Mouse and her playing of Who Has the Hat? remained legendary stories told over and over again on every youth trip I took from 1990 forward. I have known lots of teenagers in my life, and very few have ever made me laugh as hard as Kelly did- and on a regular basis! Welcome aboard, Lucretia Soul Disney Murphy Johnson!

* Congratulations to Meagan Hill Halquist (FUMC-Kissimmee), hubby Rich and big brother Cooper on the birth of Colton Stephen on January 13. He was 7 pounds, 11 ounce and 19 inches loong. Everyone is home and doing well!!!

* Eric Tysinger, husband of Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-K), had his wisdom teeth out Thursday. From all reports Eric is doing quite well- he just can't get Teresa to stop laughing at his drug-induced loopiness! Keep them both in your prayers.

* Zach Wehr (Wesley Memorial UMC) and Jacqui Haney were engaged on December 30th! Zach (himself a HOF member) is a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. We also had the pleasure of meeting Jacqui once, and she is a sweetheart. Best wishes to the happy couple, and congrats as well to Zach's parents, Tom & Linda! Zach is seen in this picture (at right) dominating Dance Dance Revolution at Myrtle Beach in 2004. Just one of his many talents...

* I totally missed that Matt & Kristin Landry Lupfer (FUMC-K) are proud first-time parents as well. Their son Alexander was born back in October, I believe. Someone with more details than I please leave them in a comment!

* The next 2 Tuesdays will feature #DangerDays posts from my Twitter friends Jason Huffman and Amy Nabors. February will kick-off with Teresa Tysinger, who designed a great logo for me to use with these guest posts. Thanks, Teresa! And if you want to get involved, I will be looking for writers all year. Come be part of the excitement!

* Please be praying for Ashley Goad (Springfield) as she continues her mission work, this time in Uganda. Our little Prudence Irwina is all grown up and changing the world! Also be praying for my dear friend Denise and her daughter Kate, who is about to leave for a college semester abroad. Exciting times! And finally, please be in prayer for all of those who are sick and battling this nasty strain of influenza that is sweeping the country. It's dangerous. Be careful out there!

That'll do it for today. Now get out there and hug someone! There are so many who need one today. Thanks for reading along, and as always, feel free to leave a comment here, e-mail me or text me at 813-919-3755. There's not much better than hearing from friends!

Because of Jesus,

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