
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Saturday Shout Outs!

Hi Ho, boys and girls, and welcome to another edition of my Saturday Shout Outs!  If you are looking for the news, views and who's whos then you have come to the right place- as long as you re interested in people I know and love. Because that is what the Shout Outs are all about- keeping up with the incredible people who have been and are part of my life!  As long as your expectations are low, I will try to live up to them.  :)  We've got a lot to cover, so here we go...

*  My Twitter buddy John Claybrook wrote a blog post this week about a special song he has written called Free To Breathe.  The song is about his cousin Kara who died at age 20 of Cystic Fibrosis. It went on sale on I-Tunes yesterday for 99 cents, and a portion of the proceeds will go to CF research. Please check out his post, then go buy the song.  John is a part of a very special group of friends, including Christie Weatherby, Jenn Ganley, Stacey, Robert Damron and Jason Huffman, who are known as the #StraightJacketMafia.  We are all currently sporting hooded, sunglassed pictures as out Twitter avitars.  Here is mine.  Jamie Robinson (Springfield Friends Meeting) tweeted than my pic is "Awesomeness!"  I think maybe goofiness is a better word...   :)
*  Please continue to keep the Semmler family and my friends Steve and Carl in your prayers.  For more on this, check out Mother's Day Prayers.
*  We also want to lift up Sally Hollingsed (FUMC-Kissimmee) and her battle with cancer.  To ready her story and contribute to the fundraising project to help her receive further treatment, click here.
Todd (right) with Heather Beggs 
*  We are very excited that we might get to see Todd Farlow (Springfield), his wife Meleah and their family this summer when they come down to visit WDW!  It is always so great to catch up with old friends. When are YOU coming to Florida?
*  To my dear friend Denise May Langley...there is only one like you, and YOU ROCK!  And remember, the fortune cookie has spoken!!!
*  Last weekend Lisa Kraus Spires (FUMC-K) and her hubby Mike celebrated 11 years of marriage.  I remember that day as well, as I took off from O'Hare Airport in Chicago, flew once lap around the city and landed again- because our plane was on fire!  By the time we go a new plane and I arrived in Orlando and took a cab to the church, it was show time.  I put my luggage in Jill Augenblick's office and grabbed a seat.  I wouldn't have missed Lisa's wedding for anything.  Happy (belated) Anniversary, Lisa & Mike!
*  This morning at 7 AM I was part of a chain of prayer that is praying that the United Methodist Church can use Twitter to help change the world!  You can be part of this effort too!  Visit to sign up, or follow along at #CtWTweets.
Ashley & friend!
*  Our dear friend Ashley Goad Broadhurst (Springfield) has been to Haiti, Las Vegas, NC, VA, Texas and Arkansas just in the past few weeks.  It's hard to remember where she lives, but here is the only important part- she will be in Florida this summer, and I will get to see her!  Whooo-hooo!
*  Got to talk for a few minutes this past week with my old New Garden Friends Meeting youth group friend, Beth Vestal McGalliard.  We hadn't spoken in several years.  It felt like it had been 5 minutes.  True friendship lasts a lifetime.
*  For those who may not have heard, Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-K), Eric & Emma have been successfully transplanted to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas!  There is no proof of the rumors that Teresa already has big hair, cowboy boots and has started wearing those puffy square dance dresses. There is also no proof she hasn't...
*  Who knows why the number 1000 will mean something special on this blog on Monday?  Correct guesses could win a can of SPAM!!!
*  On this past Wednesday two of my very favorite people - Nina Mock and Zach Wehr (both Wesley Memorial UMC)- celebrated birthdays.  May 16 is indeed a special day!  Happy late birthday to both!
Dreaming of an FUMC-K Reunion...
*  Upon her induction to the Hall of Fame this past week, Jill Painter Watson suggested I plan a reunion ski trip for the FUMC-K crowd.  I was talking with Cyndi Reep Browning on Thursday and she was also talking about a reunion.  The subject just keep coming up. I think it is time to get serious.  Tampa has already hosted the UMC General Conference and will soon host the Republican Convention- so our reunion weekend should be a piece of cake. I nominate Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi to serve as head of the host committee.  I would also like to appoint Jill W, Cyndi B, Lisa S, Teresa T, Cindy MartinLauren Carr CacciatoreNate HillKelly Jeck TraceTodd Willis, Caitlin Esry and Josh Fry to the planning committee, along with any other interested parties.  Declining such a prestigious assignment is not an option...   :)
*  For anyone who watches American Idol, I would like to remind you that I picked Philip Philips to win the contest the night I saw him audition back in January (You can read my prediction here. Just scroll to the bottom of the post.).  He is now one of 2 finalists.  I may have a second career as a talent scout...

So that's it for now.  Leave comments, call, text, email or just shout really loud- I would love to hear from you!  See you soon!

Because of Jesus,


  1. I love how you encourage people, Carl! Hope you have a great Sunday!

    1. Speaking of encouraging, Amy...thank you for the way you encourage me!

  2. Anonymous5/19/2012

    I would love, love, love to get together with the old FUMC Kissimmee gang! I'm definitely in on the reunion planning. Just let me know the food budget so I can grab Cathy Thacker and head to the grocery store. As always, don't expect any change! :) Dr. Jill

    1. Sounds great, Jill! I talked to Bob earlier today and she says we will be having pork rinds and Yoohoo at the party. So your help is needed!

  3. Anonymous5/19/2012

    I am in for

    1. I knew you would be, my dear friend. Let's make it happen!

  4. Congratulations, Jocelyn! Where do I send the SPAM? :)

  5. That sounds absolutely perfect! We will need big cups to hold all of the YooHoo Bob is planning to bring. And I could use some new cups around the house!


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