
Monday, June 20, 2011

Hall of Fame: The Gastler Family

One of the great things about having my very own Youth Group Hall of Fame is that I get to make up all the rules about who and how I induct old friends.  So far there have been students from four different churches and Quaker Lake Camp.  There have been entire graduating classes inducted at once.  And there has been one entire family added to my HOF as a unit. Today we make that two...

My experiences at Wesley Memorial UMC would have been completely different without the presence of the Gastler family.  Hal, Joanne, Jennifer and Christine were all very important to our student ministry and to me personally throughout my 4 years there,  and they are also one of the most loving and supportive families it has ever been my privilege to watch in action.  I could easily have inducted each of them individually, but it just felt right to bring them recognition as a family.  I could go on and on about their contributions to Graceland, but I'll try to limit myself as I talk about each of them- beginning with Jennifer.

Christine, Nina, Jennifer and I-
Myrtle Beach 2004
Jen was a high school student when I arrived- a very active participant and one of the most popular girls in the ministry.  She probably doesn't remember this, but on our first big trip together, the 2002 Ski Camp, she was the one who gave me all sorts of inside info to help me sort out the cliques and relationships in this youth group that was new to me.  Her friendship was so important as I began to re-build the group.  Later on she went to Myrtle Beach with us in 2004 after her graduation and we became close all over again as she helped make that trip so special. I went to see her and some of the others after she went to FSU and we had a great dinner- at Olive Garden, of course!  Now she's teaching high school here in Tampa.  It's a no-brainer to add Jennifer Gastler to my Hall of Fame.

Christine collecting for the Souper Bowl of Caring!
Christine was in middle school when I arrived, but she was already a leader.  She was a gifted soccer player, which led to some heated "discussions" between us, as you may know my feelings about that sport!  She went on most all of our trips, was with us for Graceland most every Sunday, and always- ALWAYS!- wanted input on what songs we would sing.  I particularly remember her always wanting to sing the verses of Sometimes By Step, the great Rich Mullins song, and being disappointed when we would only sing the chorus.  And not quietly disappointed, either! :)  She provided leadership, friendship and character to our ministry.  Her spot in the HOF has been waiting for her...

Hal & his group on one of our legendary
Digital Scavenger Hunts!
Hal & Joanne are just one of my favorite couples ever.  Hal is a sports nut, loving UConn basketball (men and women), Red Sox (and Rays) baseball, soccer, Bucs football, Lightning hockey and pretty much everything else you can think of.  He is a true fanatic.  And Joanne may be worse!  They both chaperoned our 2002 Myrtle Beach trip, and Joanne joined is 2004 as well.  Hal was a regular at our Sunday afternoon football games before becoming a very important part of the Graceland Youth Ministry Team.  He and I had some great discussion about every topic you can imagine, and his input on one of our famous Student Leadership Retreats was a great help to me.  Joanne saved us from a major financial snafu on the 2004 Myrtle Beach trip by paying for the group meal at Captain Benjamin's Seafood Buffet (as I type that sentence I am realizing that with all the happened over the months that followed, chances are excellent she never got paid back for that...Wow.  The Gastler's were always going above and beyond the call of duty...) after the church credit card was declined.  She is also the Mom who famously once told me that the greatest gift I could give her on Mother's Day was to have youth group and "get her family out of the house for a couple of hours."  There are so many great memories.  And Hal, we still need to sing Screen Door together some day...

So welcome to my Youth Group Hall of Fame, Gastler family.  When it opens (after someone buys me the Betsy B) I promise to make your section a sports bar!  Love you guys and hope to see you soon.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous6/20/2011

    Love the Gastler family!!!! Excellent choice, Carl!

  2. WOW I am so honored. Those were great years! The beach is my favorite place so if you every do get the Betsy B let me know as I'm coming for a visit!!! Thank Carl!! Love Joanne

  3. You and Hal will have your own room, Joanne! Thanks so much for all the love your family showed mine. It's much appreciated.


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