
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Comment Day & Giveaways!!!!

I have once again declared today an official Comment Day for bloggers everywhere!  You can read more about my reasons for doing this by clicking here, but the bottom line is this: I will be reading and leaving comments on as many blogs as possible throughout the course of this day.  I hope you will do the same, because we bloggers do love us some feedback! 

To encourage (OK, bribe!) you to leave me some comments as well today (because let's face, this past week has been PITIFUL!) I am giving stuff away.  The 11th person to comment (not counting anything I might say) on this post will win a copy of The Great Cow-mission (see review below) by Kevin Weatherby.  The 18th person to comment will receive a copy of Deep Like Me by Rick Bundschuh.  And if we make it to 25 comments...well let's just say the prize will be BIG! OK, enough fluff- now on to my review of The Great Cow-mission...

Far too often those who write about Christianity go out of their way to make it seem complicated.  They want to use big words and talk about theology in ways that make understanding our faith seem impossible.  But every now and then, someone comes along with a book that actually helps us embrace the things that Jesus taught.  The Great Cow-mission is one such book.  Written by Kevin Weatherby (an actual cowboy, as well as a preacher), this amazing read combines the simplicity of the cowboy lifestyle with Christianity and solid scriptural teaching to create a completely unique experience.  I read it in what felt like 2 hours, finding myself completely mesmerized by Kevin's story-telling and deep insight into the human condition.  I laughed at his slightly off-kilter sense of humor as he tackled such subjects as a cowboy at Olive Garden and his cowboy's guide to fancy church words.  He taught me about the Cowboy Kung-Fu Handbook.  I was moved as he wrote of grace and man's never-ending search for God through letters from Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  I was convicted over and over again of how much there is to be learned about faith and life from the everyday lives of common people.  I also learned that even though I am allergic to horses, I am more of a cowboy than I would have ever guessed...

I don't really have any kind of rating system for books, but if I gave out stars or thumbs up or free pizzas, this little book would get them all.  It is the perfect reminder that our LORD and Savior wasn't a product of academia, he was the son of a carpenter- and he would have made a dang good cowboy.  You can pick up your copy of The Great Cow-mission (if you don't win it here) at, or  And one more suggestion- go ahead and get a couple of copies.  You are going to want to share this book with your friends.

Now go read lots of blogs, leave lots of comments, and let's make this a day to remember.  And if you Twitter, be sure to follow Kevin- @CowboyMinistry  He inspires me every day!!!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Love this idea CJ! Let the commenting begin!

  2. Thanks, Phil! It should be an awesome day!

  3. Anonymous4/28/2011

    The book sounds intriguing. I will have to check that one out. I just finished reading Raical by David Platt and am waiting for his book Radical Together to arrive tomorrow so I can start reading it.

  4. The book looks interesting. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you get lots of comments today! You should put a link to the actual book on Amazon to make it easy for folks to find it.

  5. Thanks for your comments, and thanks for adding the link to Kevin's book!

  6. I like cow; that is all. :-)

  7. I guess I am not allowed to win, but I'm playing anyway!

  8. Very cool idea! As a blogger, I agree! Love to get feedback :o) Sometimes I wonder if anyone even sees my blog other than Jesus!!
    Sending Peace & Blessings your way ...

  9. Anonymous4/28/2011

    Sounds like a great book that relates to real life. I will check it out. - Emily V. in Virgina

  10. Hey! Miss you guys, count me in.

  11. Anonymous4/28/2011

    you remind me of a mule I had once. He was not the best looking or the fastest animal, but was the most faiithful, hardest working one there. and when the land got rough while others might slip or fall you always felt like you were standing on solid ground. Praise God for your hard work and your faithfullness to keep others on sure footing when traveling the difficult country they find themselves in from time to time.

  12. Eat more chicken!

    Great idea! Happy Comment Day!

  13. Congratulations, Nikki! You are the winner of The Great Cow-mission. Just let me know where to send the book and it is all yours!

  14. This is one great book. One of those books that come alive for thinking. Can't wait to hand this one down to my kids. Can't wait for more books from Kevin. I'm not a big book person. Except the Bible of course. This one kept me going, and wanting to come back for more. Should be on the top 10 list of books. Have a great one Carl!!!

  15. Well done you, with your honesty about comments/blogger feedback. Been following Kevin for a little while on Twitter. Love his perspective.

  16. Anonymous4/28/2011

    The Great Cow-Mission is an AWESOME book. Kevin takes everyday cowboy situations and shows us how the Lord is there, always. When I finished the book my sides were sore from laughing so hard. He also has another website called Simplified Cowboy Version (SVC), where he takes scripture and translates it into everyday cowboy talk. It is worth checking out DAILY.



Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!