
Sunday, November 14, 2010

You Gotta' Have Faith

The following story was shared on Facebook yesterday by my dear friend and former Quaker Lake staff co-worker Susan McBane Tuggle.  I share it again now with her permission.  Susan was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and has been dealing with all of the fears and emotions that come with such news.  She is holding fast to her faith, and as always, God speaks if we are willing to stop and listen...

"Blessings can come unexpectedly. Randy (my husband) and I were just leaving McDonald's and passed the homeless man who almost always sits there, with the same sign as usual. But, this morning, those words caught my heart- Keep Faith. We went back to give him some money, and I told him why we stopped - that I had been diagnosed with cancer and his sign touched me. He asked my name, then took my hand, and prayed for me."

We so often look for God in the amazing and the powerful, when we should have learned long ago (like from the way Jesus came into the world) that God more often speaks through the mundane and the powerless.  I often write here of how Jesus said that the way we treat "the least of these" is how we treat Him.  What I don't mention often enough is that on many occasions we are "the least of these."  Thank you, Susan, for sharing that story and reminding us all to Keep Faith.  And thank you to your homeless friend, who reminds us that when we walk with Christ it is not about how we are doing "under the circumstances."  It is a matter of rising above our circumstances to share the love of Jesus.  To that I simply say AMEN.
Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous11/14/2010

    That is a great story. Thanks for sharing. -Dave

  2. Here I am crying again. You have a way of doing that to me Carl :)


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