
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Saturday Shout Outs!

Welcome to another edition of Shout Outs!  Today is actually a bit of cross between Shout Outs and Random Ramblings, which means I will be shouting and rambling at the same time.  For those of you who are thinking "How is the different?," just be quiet!  Speaking of which, I even give a rare Just Shut Up Award in today's posting, so keep reading.  I am sure I can offend you somehow! 
  • Will Jones (my son) is headed to the Sickles High School homecoming dance tonight.  With a girl.  As of late last night they don't know when or where they are eating, or how they are going to get there and to the dance that follows.  Sounds about right to me...
  • Catie Cook (FUMC-K) announced from Afghanistan (via Facebook) last week that her camp was under mortar fire.  She said it in the same way I might mention that I brushed my teeth this morning.  So calm.  You remain very much in my prayers, Catie.
  • Some of you may remember my post about interviewing at a church in Kentucky only to find that the only youth ministry at the church that mattered was a puppet ministry.  Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi (FUMC-K) found a t-shirt online that she felt went well with that blog- it's pictured at right.  Thanks, Bob!
  • Laurie Rees (Springfield) has been giving us love via Facebook lately.  We appreciate it, Laurie, and we are looking forward to following your Roller Derby career!  :)
  • Christie Grimminger (Wesley UMC) is asking for prayers as she deals with a family issue.  Even if you don't know Christie, lift her up today.
  • Tomorrow is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  To learn more, read my post from last year by clicking here.
  • Ben Thompson (FUMC-K), also in Afghanistan, wrote that he had been trying to initiate Afghans into the Honeybee Club.  I can't believe that in 445 consecutive days of blogging I had never mentioned the Honeybee Club.  I wonder how many of you are members...
  • Many of you know that I was not a big fan of President George W. Bush.  I lost a lot of respect for him this week when he repeated in a number of places that the worst day of his presidency was when Kanye West ( who I have NO respect for) called him a racist.  I understand that personal attacks hurt, but come on, W.  You were president during 9/11 and Katrina- and THAT was your worst day?  It may be time for you to Just Shut Up!
  • Thanks to Jocelyn Sessions Ward, Cindy Martin, Susan Allen and others who have sent me some of their New York memories for use in upcoming posts.  It's not too late to send yours- either in comments here or by e-mail to  Let me know what you remember most about NYC trips!
  • And to all my faithful readers- THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!  We passed the 40,000 hit mark in just over a year, and, thanks to Twitter, are gaining new readers everyday.  I am just amazed at how God continues to bless me through this adventure.
I think I'll stop there for now.  Between now and Thanksgiving you can look for some flashbacks to some of my favorite National Youth Workers Convention moments, and some more New York trip memories- including a brand new slide show!  So keep stopping by- I'm here every day!

Because of Jesus,


  1. I love it! Sorry I've been MIA from here lately. :( This is where I would usually make an excuse about "So much to do, so little time" but the truth is I did not manage my "blog time" wisely. Please forgive me. Supporting your blog is important to me. :)

    I hope Will had a wonderful time at Homecoming. :) He looks so handsome. :) Best wishes.

  2. Brook, you are always supportive and I thank you for that! And thanks for your new comment on the International Day of Prayer posting from a year ago. It is important to me to write about things that matter, in addition to telling good stories.


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!