
Monday, August 2, 2010

Random Ramblings #7

Every now and then all of the thoughts that are running through my head when I sit down to type my blog are thoughts that have little or no connection to each other.  When that happens, you get Random Ramblings- and today is one of those days!  Before we get started, I have a contest for you!  The picture above is of my Springfield Friends Meeting youth group in 1990.  To win a prize package that includes a Slurpee and a can of SPAM, leave a comment answering this question:  Where are they? (HINT:  It is a very famous location, known all over the world).  Now on with the show...
  • For the next 24 days I will begin to work my way towards my one year anniversary of blogging by bringing you stories and lists that involve people, places and events from throughout my 28 years of ministry (Don't worry FUMC-K; I am not done with you yet...).  Things to look forward to include looks back at mission trips and beach trips from over the years; more Hall of Fame inductions from a variety of youth groups; hidden moments that impacted my life in ways you may not know about; and my best story of all- the night I met Michael Keaton.  Keep reading, and tell your friends!
  • Marilyn and Will reached Myrtle Beach yesterday, and I am told the Resort they are staying at with Marilyn's family is fantastic.  I suppose I should be jealous, but let's look at the things they don't get to do while they are there.  They don't get to stay at the Betsy B.  The Pavilion is closed forever, so that's out.  They almost certainly will not go to Dino's House of Pancakes for breakfast, because that is MY place and no one else cares.  So I'm good...unless I find out they are at Captain Benjamin's or in Calabash eating seafood.  Then the jealousy will kick in for sure!
  • My mom is coming by to take me to lunch today, and I am supposed to decide on a place.  For those of you reading before noon, any suggestions?  E-mail me!
  • I have noticed that the number of people stopping by this blog goes down on the weekends, and that I get very few comments on Saturday and Sunday.  Does this mean that my blog is only entertaining if you are killing time at work?  :)  Enquiring minds want to know!
  • I have begun work on a very special tribute to all of the students and adults who were ever a part of the youth ministries I served, from 1978 through 2007.  It is a massive undertaking that I will unveil on August 26th, the first birthday of this blog.  Be very afraid!
  • I had a wonderful lunch yesterday with Jun and Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi at Sonny's.  They also brought me the promised Cheerwine, which apparently is so valuable they had to disguise it in an Old Speckled Hen beer carrier (see picture).  Cheerwine is every bit as wonderful as I remembered!   We had a great time and shared 1000 laughs.  Old friends are just the best...
  • Conner the Dog is asleep on my feet as I sit here.  He is clearly stressing out over Will and Marilyn being away for so long...
  • I read this weekend that the blogs that attract the most visitors and comments are the ones that create the most controversy.  I already write about religion, and that hasn't upset anyone too badly yet, so maybe I should move on to politics.  Or maybe I should just be like the mainstream press and write about celebrities with bad habits or ugly boyfriends.  Hmmm- on second thought, that could come back to bit me...  I'll just stick to writing about the things I know about- wonderful memories and a beautiful Savior!
  • Tomorrow's blog is about a great practical joke that Nate Hill, Ben Thompson and I pulled on Karen Fry at Myrtle Beach in 1997 on her birthday.  Be sure to join me!
  • And finally, if you didn't catch yesterday's post entitled Tomorrow then you need to check it out, because as of today, tomorrow is here...
Because of Jesus,


  1. Hmmm, looks like WDW - Cinderella Castle - walkway leading through the castle. Always met there at the end of the day. :-)

  2. Photo Contest: You're either waiting in line for or just got done riding Pirates of the Caribbean at Walt Disney World. Come on now - not even hard. :) Of course I'll feel really dumb now if I'm wrong.

  3. Now I'm looking closer - might just be inside the castle at WDW. I hate self doubt.

  4. Oh Teresa- you might have gotten away with it if not for the not even hard part... And yes, Jamie- you have a distinct advantage over many of my readers!

  5. Anonymous8/11/2010

    I would like to exchange links with your site
    Is this possible?

  6. Anything is possible! Just e-mail me- the address is on my profile!


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