
Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Vern Dome

Just Me & the  Dog, Day 6-  Conner has officially given up on Will and Marilyn ever coming home.  He is no longer laying on Will's bed and looking out the window for them.  At least he is sleeping until 7 AM every day, which is spoiling me big time!  We shared some ice cream last night to cheer him up a bit...  Less than a week to go!

In 1996 the youth ministry of the First United Methodist Church of Kissimmee immersed itself in strategic planning.  This is a process through which you develop a scenario of what your dream ministry would look like in 5 years, and then through a process of refinement and voting select two or three aspects of the scenario that you will work towards in the coming year.  One of the things that came out of our planning was the need for a "gymnatorium" at FUMC-K.  Our idea kicked off a whirlwind of discussion at the church.  The staff began planning how such a facility would benefit our school, our child care center and our congregation.  Church members were buzzing with anticipation.  Architects were brought in to draw up plans for the building, a new vestibule (gathering area) for the Sanctuary and a walkway that would connect it all.  There was a ton of excitement.  There was a need.  The big question, of course, was how would we pay for it...

Even before we were first discussing the idea during our strategic planning session, our dear friend and faithful bus driver Vern Watson had announced that when he won the lottery, he would buy us a gym.  His only demand was that we name it after him.  I wrote an article for The UMYF Enquirer in February of 1996 encouraging students and parents to come to the meeting at which we would introduce the scenario and vote on our final goals.  Accompanying that article was the picture you see on the left- an artist's (you will see Miss Take got the credit, but yeah, it was me!) rendering of what we had come to call The Vern Dome.  That little drawing and article stirred up huge discussion not only in the youth ministry but in the church as a whole.  I ran into a church member in Albertson's one afternoon.  This was a lady from a wealthy family; in fact, her family had just a few years earlier given over $600,000 to pay off the debt on the church's administration building (see Video the Bishop).  She told me that she would be VERY supportive of a gym facility with a raised walking track for business men to use at lunch and for senior citizens to use anytime.  I went back to work and told Rev. John Willis we needed to add a walking track!  It was an exciting time.

FUMC-K never got their gymnatorium.  A variety of circumstances (money, problems with the city and failure to include the raised walking track among them) prevented it from going forward, and it finally died for good after over 2 years of work with the pastoral change that brought in the Grinch.  The amazing facility plans that a wonderful staff (John Willis, Debbie Davis, Jill Augenblick, Andrew Lewis and more!)  had labored on went to waste.  But if the day ever comes when they do build a gym, I will be there with my picket sign, demanding it be named The Vern Dome.  I hope all of my faithful readers will join me on that day! 

Because of Jesus,


  1. You can count me in. ;)

  2. Thanks Brook! I know everyone would turn out and show love for the Big Dog!!!!


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