
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today marks the 300th consecutive day I have posted on this blog.  As many of you know, my goal from the beginning was to blog every day for one year, and I am approaching that milestone.  I have made no decision yet as to whether or not I will continue to blog in another 65 days, but I can say that the experience so far has been nothing but positive for me.  I have heard from many dear, old friends who are reading.  I have gotten comments, e-mails and (before it died) guestbook signatures from all over the world.  My Uncle Don Dormstetter googled himself and discovered he had been written about in this blog.  It has been great fun, and a learning experience for me. If you have not been reading from the beginning, you might want to check out this link to read a few of my favorite posts, or to visit my Hall of Fame.   I have had three true revelations since Day 1, and I thought today I would share them with you.

  1. I assumed that this would be primarily an exercise in telling old stories and having a good laugh.  It has been that, but as it says in the tag line at the top of my blog, it is really all about Jesus.  Every trip, every event, every failure and every bit of silliness and foolishness were a part of a ministry designed to help students connect with the Christ.  I always knew that in my head, but writing everyday about my history as a youth pastor has allowed me to really feel it in my gut, and to praise God for the opportunity to serve students in His name.
  2. I had always wondered if my work had made any long-term difference, and I have discovered through this process that the feelings and memories I have about the youth ministries I worked with over the years are shared by may of the students I served.  I have heard from so many, including Marshall Ratledge, Darek Newby, Dann Newby, Laura Wheeler and Terri Johnson from all the way back in my New Garden Friends Meeting/Quaker Lake Camp days, 1978-1983.  I heard from dozens of my old Springfield Friends Meeting (1986-1994) youth and parents of those youth.  I currently hear almost everyday from someone connected to the First United Methodist Church of Kissimmee.  And no matter the year or the story being told, the response is nearly always the same.  The times we shared together meant something, and in many cases, still mean something- to all of us.
  3. There was never much doubt in my mind, but writing this blog each day and telling stories of days gone by has reminded me that I was blessed to be in ministry with hundreds of the finest students and adult leaders anyone has ever had the opportunity to serve.  Almost every day the stories, the pictures and the memories bring a smile to my face and a tear to my eye, often at the same time.  The love we shared as we walked our spiritual journeys together was very real, and even all these years later can still lift my spirits and remind me that Jesus loves me, just as He loves us all!  It is also way beyond cool to follow along with many of their lives on Marilyn's Facebook, to see their children, and to know that many of them are still seeking Jesus.
There are many more stories to tell and places to visit over the next 65 days, and I hope each of you will continue to join me on my journey.  My life, with its glorious successes and monumental failures, has always been covered in the grace of Jesus Christ.  May everything I do and everything I write point to Him.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous6/22/2010

    Well, for someone who has read your blog for the past 300 days (not always on THE day but I have read every one!!) I as well as all the others have enjoyed it more than I can express. And I ditto Megan's post yesterday - that you never failed in our eyes, or in the eyes of Jesus!! So many youth and parents can never thank you enough for what you did for them and their children!!! Whatever you feel your failures are, I know that you know Jesus forgives you, but better yet NO ONE THAT YOU TOUCHED IN YOUR MINISTRY thinks in any way you were a failure. You were and continue to be a blessing!!!! I thank God for you in our lives!! Love you - Cindy

  2. Anonymous6/22/2010

    You don't know me, but this has become my favorite blog to read. The stories are funny and I love how you make everything relative to faith. Keep writing~!

  3. Cindy, you cannot know how much your words are a blessing to me, but I have to say the opposite is true as well- I can never thank the youth and parents enough for what you all did in my life! And bless you too anonymous- I am glad you are enjoying!!!


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