
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Praying for Pastors

Often on Sunday mornings my prayer time includes asking God to watch over and bless those who are speaking on behalf of Jesus in churches all over the world. This morning God placed on my heart some specific names, which led to a few more names, which led to this post. Below are the names of some pastors and churches that I am personally connected to in some way. I encourage you to join me in praying for them. I also encourage you to add names in the comment section, that we may all be praying for your pastor as well, not just today but in the weeks to come. Prayer is a great privilege, and it comes with great power. So let us pray!

Wayne Cook, 1st UMC of Kissimmee, FL
Scott Wagoner, Deep River Friends Meeting, NC
Cathy Thacker, 1st UMC of Lake Alfred, FL
David Mercadante, Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting, NC
Terry Venable, Centre Friends Meeting, NC
Jerry Sweat, Beach UMC, FL
Ray Luther, Marlboro Friends Meeting, NC
Tom Nelson, 1st UMC Port Orange, FL
Frank Massey, Jamestown Friends Meeting, NC
Matthew Hartsfield, Van Dyke UMC (my current church)

Thank you LORD for your dear faithful servants and for the work that they do in the name of Jesus. Inspire them and fill them with your Spirit that they may lift his name today and inspire us to be more like Jesus in every way. We pray that Your protection, wisdom and mercy will cover them as they bring Your message this morning wherever they may be.

And all God's people said...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/14/2015

    Prayers for Josh Brown, coming to pastor Springfield Friends Meeting at the end of August.


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