
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Father's Day Week

I had a long and wonderful Father's Day weekend. It actually began last Tuesday when the Golden State Warriors beat the Cleveland Cavaliers for the NBA championship. I didn't watch and really don't care about he NBA, but I am always glad to see Lebron James lose big games and hear people make excuses for him. Yes his star teammates were hurt this year, but last year in Miami he was surrounded by all-stars and still lost. He is a great player and one of the great second place finishers of all-time. He is 2-4 in the Finals. MJ was 6-0. You can tell me all you want to that it's a tired old argument- but as Jason Segel once famously said in the movie Bad Teacher, "it's the only argument that matters!" So the celebration started early at my house., including lots of time with the fine fellow you see below, my nearly 20 year old son Will.

Saturday afternoon was spent with my wife at a friend's house in Orlando catching up with some former youth group students from my days in Kissimmee. It was wonderful to see Jocelyn, Todd, Hamp, Jerry and their families. Laughter was in abundant supply as always and there were no sightings of naked Jerry. So the afternoon was a total win!

Sunday arrived and my dog woke me up at 4:40 am to wish me Happy Father's Day. Will had to work a 12 hour day at Olive Garden so our real celebration would wait until Monday. Still, it was a very fun day. Marilyn and I went to see Inside Out, which is phenomenal, and then had lunch at Boston's, one of our favorite places. Upon our return home I found a package waiting for me, a gift I had ordered for myself. The box set of the original sessions from The Beach Boys legendary SMiLE album (pictured below) which I have since sat and listened to with Will. It's now on his iPod. It was a truly wonderful gift to myself- and not just the music. As he prepares to leave for Orlando in August I treasure those moments with my son. And the day ended with dinner at Will's OG, where Marilyn and I were joined by our dear friend Lisa Jewett. It was a great day.

Monday brought a surprise visit from my old friend Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi, better known in some circles as Bob. We sat and chatted for an hour or so, which made the day special right off  the bat. That night we had our official Father's Day celebration. We shared a family dinner at Bahama Breeze (complete with Key Lime pie!) and then it was time for cards and gifts. My presents included a nifty Hawaiian-style Star Wars shirt from the Star Wars weekends at WDW and this incredibly cool plush figure of Stitch dressed as Yoda. Other men may want grills and power tools, but my family knows me well. And growing up is WAY overrated!

The week-long party concluded yesterday when Will and I headed out for brunch at the Cracker Barrel (GRAVY!) and then he took me to see Love & Mercy again. We already knew I loved it; we discovered that he did too. It's just a wonderfully made film that tells a remarkable story. He already loved Pet Sounds, and now he is hooked on SMiLE as well. After seeing the movie it is safe to say my son is a full-fledged fan of The Beach Boys. I'm very proud of my parenting skills today!

Thus endeth my incredible week. I am so blessed to have such a loving family and to have this wonderful relationship with my young adult son. I am so blessed by so many friends. I hope you have enjoyed this quick trip through my week. I will keep saying it, mostly for myself, but all of you readers as well- don't take anything for granted in this life. Seize the day. Go for the gusto. And "enjoy every sandwich!"

Because of Jesus,

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