
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Shout Outs! (A-Z Edition)

Today's Shout Outs! will have a bit of a different look from the usual shouting. Today I will attempt to shout out alphabetically, giving each of the 26 letters a thought that has been on my mind, It is important to know as we begin that this is likely to be a disaster, but such is often the case with change and experimentation. So without further hoopla allow me to preset the first (and quite likely LAST) A-Z Saturday Shout Outs! Here we go:

A- This morning Marilyn, Lisa Jewett, Will (who has already seen it once) and myself are off to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. I am giddy with anticipation!
B- After much dreaming, a group of my oldest and bestest buddies will be headed to the BEACH together in September. After less than a week of publicity there are already 16 definites and a maybe. This is simply going to ROCK!!!
C- Thinking about the beach leads directly to thinking about Calabash for me and my stomach. And you know what I want...
D- Deluxe Seafood Platter with LOTS of hushpuppies, please!
E- At the suggestion of several volunteer readers I am back at work on my book manuscript, Even Better Than Before. Some readers wanted more background on the relationships between the characters, so that is my new adventure. If you were a volunteer and haven't given me any feedback, I would still love to hear from you. And not to pile on the guilt, but Marilyn has indeed finished it now. So no more excuses!
F- You should all be in Florida this weekend. The weather is simply spectacular!
G- Garsh- I sure do miss Goofy...
H- I have recently fallen in love with Hockey. Baseball is still my game, but the NHL is so much better than the NBA. Here's how I see it: Hockey is a fast-moving, fluid sport interrupted by an occasional mauling, while the NBA is a constant mauling interrupted by the occasional fast break. Plus hockey has zambonis. We have a winner! And Go Bolts!
I- So far this is working out okay. INCONCEIVABLE
J- Jameis Winston in a Buccaneer. Our history with the number one pick in the draft is rather weak. Here's hoping Jameis breaks the cycle!
K- Following the adventures of Kelly Jeck Trace on Facebook and Twitter just wears me out. So proud of her and her company, Reach. Go get'em, Kelly!
L- Lisa Kraus Spires and her daughter Abby have had a rough week as Abby has been unable to get rid of a fever. Prayers. please!
M- Even though it is barely May, it is already starting to feel like summer. For those of you who passed through my youth groups over the years, what is your favorite memory from our summer adventures?
N- We have in-home Wifi, a connected blu ray player and access to Michelle's (Will's girlfriend) password and account, but every time we try to use Netflix on our TV there is some sort of snafu. I feel like we may be the only people not watching...
O- Only 11 more letters go go! I think I can, I think I can...
P- Pancakes. I really wish I was having pancakes smothered in bananas and strawberries for breakfast right now. Anyone deliver?
Q- I have Quaker friends all over the country, and some most days I really miss them. A lot.
R- My youth director at the end of my high school years was Rob Mitchell. This week he did one of the sweetest, most generous things it has ever been my pleasure to witness. All these years later and he's still teaching us the right way to do things.
S- Steve Semmler is the guy responsible for making the upcoming beach trip (see B) a reality. He is my hero. It's a reunion just like in my book (see E). Now if he can just make the real trip THAT interesting he will hit legendary status!
T- Most every weekday morning I sit down with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee to enjoy the wit and wisdom of That 70s Show on ABC Family. I've seen every episode numerous times, but it still makes me laugh out loud. That was my era. Those are my people. And Kelso is one of the all-time great stupid people.
U- Random things I think about... is there any chance Underdog could become an Avenger?
V- This one is close to cheating, but it needs to be said. I am going to miss David Letterman very, VERY much.
W- Hey Todd Willis- light a fire under Hanbery and let's have a get together soon! Miss you guys!
X- Ok- so I have nothing here. I could offer to Xerox my book for you, or claim that I am taking Xylophone lessons, or wonder about the future of the X-Men movie franchise. But all of that would just be filling space...
Y- As part of my diabetic diet I eat a lot of sugar-free Yogurt. I am really starting to hate sugar-free yogurt. Do NOT offer me sugar-free yogurt if I come visit. Thank you!
Z- Zoinks!!! We made it, Scooby! That's the end of the alphabet. Now let's go finds some pancakes!

And thus ends my attempt to shout my way through the alphabet. I hope it made you smile on this Saturday morning. Now it's time to go watch Hulk smash!!!

Love you guys,

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