
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Saturday Shout Outs!

It's time for the February edition of my Saturday Shout Outs!- and love is in the air! Yes love- in addition to candy, flowers, cards and the occasional romantic getaway. February 14th also happens to be a birth date shared by two of my favorite people, Jill Painter Watson (FUMC-Kissimmee) and Susan McBane Tuggle (Quaker Lake Camp). Happy birthday, ladies! It's not polite to mention a woman's age, but it always made Jill happy that she was younger than me. Susan has never known that feeling. :) So now that I'm already in trouble, let's get on with the shouting!

  • Marilyn and I are planning to head to FUMC-Kissimmee for the 11 am worship service on Sunday, February 22nd to hear our old friend Wayne Cook preach and hopefully get some lunch with he and Janet. Let's make it a party! We hope anyone who can join us that Sunday will join us and let Wayne know we love him!
  • Join me in praying for Todd (FUMC-K) & Kristin Willis and family. Kristin's father is struggling with major health issues and they need to feel our love and support.
  • We also continue to pray for Springfield Friends Meeting as they seek a new Senior Pastor. Their last 3 have been people I loved and respected so much. Those are not easy shoes to fill...
  • Thought For the Day- repeating your opinion over and over again on social media does not make it the truth. You may think it's a fact, but in truth it is still just your opinion. The world needs more open minds.
  • Now that the Saturday Night Live Rewind marathon on VH1 Classic is coming to an end my life can return to normal. Just in time for Spring Training. :)
  • Meagan Hill Halquist's (FUMC-K) grandmother went to be with the LORD this week. Prayers go out to Meagan and her family.
  • It's been over a month now since I emailed out about 35 copies of my book, Even Better Than Before. I have gotten responses back from 12 readers so far, all very positive. Both Carl and Steve Semmler (New Garden Friends Meeting) offered constructive advice that may lead to a little rewriting on my part, giving more background on a few of the characters.However, Steve, your suggestion about adding certain "interactions" between specific characters may have to wait. The one thing I think all of the reviewers agree on so far is that they want to go to the beach and eat seafood- NOW! Thanks again to all who are still reading. 
  • Brook Teoli Phelps (FUMC-K) will be in central Florida (she lives in Cali) in late July, and she would love to see some of the old Kissimmee crew! So let's be thinking abut getting the old gang back together again! Ca you say Reunion 2- the Sequel?
  • It feels like every time we post a link to this blog on Facebook these days it immediately disappears, and the number of people visiting each day from Facebook has dropped dramatically, If people aren't clicking on the links, that's cool. If people aren't seeing them, that is not. So I'm curious- and I'm shouting at Facebook!!!
  • And finally, for all my dear friends and readers...

Because of Jesus,


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  2. Susan McBane Tuggle2/19/2015

    I think you may be experiencing some early-onset dementia. I am 37. How old are you??? Susan McBane Tuggle

    1. If you are 37, then I am 36. Because that's how it works, Boom Boom!


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