
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Saturday Shout Outs!

Happy Saturday!!! We're approaching the end of January and the unofficial national holiday that makes us all stop, fix some of our favorite foods, gather with friends and wait to see happens next. I'm speaking, of course, of the impending twin birthday celebrations of Cyndi Reep Browning and Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-Kissimmee) this coming Thursday! Oh...and there's that whole Super Bowl thing going on as well. Anyway it feels like there's a lot to shout about, so if anyone still reads these things (HINT: Leave a comment!) I believe that is exactly what I will do. Shout. Here we go!

* To all of our friends living in areas where you are cold and getting some slippery precipitation, here's a little salt in your wounds. Our air conditioner has not been working properly this week-  and that MATTERS here in Florida...  Sorry. :)

* Last Friday I e-mailed copies of Even Better Than Before to those who requested it (if you want one just give me a holler!), and by Saturday morning I have received two positive reviews. My friends Susan Tuggle and Donna Myers (both of Quaker Lake fame) had read it in one night. I am left to assume that either the book is much easier to read than it was to write or that 60,000 words are not as many as I thought. Or maybe it was like a train wreck. They just couldn't look away! :)  In any case, I appreciated their efforts and the feedback. Can a digital book still be a "page turner?" Things that make you go hmmm...

* It is rare for me to have a team I care about in the Super Bowl. Usually I am one of those lame guys who says, "I just hope it's a good game." This year is different. While the Seahawks are not my favorite team by any means, the Patriots are at the top of my despised list. This will be a good game as long as the Seahawks win, and will be a GREAT game if they "deflate" the Pretty Boy and company by 40 points or so. Anybody coming over to watch with us?

* Erin Augenblick Shannon (FUMC-K) had a birthday this week. There has also been a lot going on in her life after her husband's business burned in a fire a few weeks back. Plus she lives in Michigan and it's January. So it seems like a really good time to add Erin to your prayer list. She's certainly on mine.

* A number of you who are previewing my book for me have had sweet things to say about it, and I appreciate your willingness to read it so much. Steve Semmler (New Garden Friends Meeting) let me know he enjoyed it. Denise May Langley (New Garden & QLC), who pushed me to both start and finish the project, has given me her thumbs up. Our friend Lisa Jewett has read more than 5 pages, which I count as a win for me- even if she is mad because the book is making her want to go to Myrtle Beach, eat hot doughnuts and finish off the day with dinner at Calabash! Brook Teoli Phelps & Lisa Krause Spires (of my FUMC-K group) both let me know they they were having a hard time putting it down. Even Marilyn has started reading it! Lisa Spires texted me the picture you see here. She may have unlocked the key to enjoying my novel- read while enjoying a cold adult beverage. Fits right in with the storyline! I am eagerly awaiting more reviews, more questions and more suggestions.

Erin Moran Hill (from our Springfield Friends Meeting days) & family (including our dear friends Butch and Barbara Moran) were at Walt Disney World this week where despite an unfortunate illness they still managed to have a good time. Jeremy Godwin and family (also Springfield) were there as well. Weeks like this remind me how ridiculous it is and how angry it makes me that I can't go there and meet up with old friends. Ugh. Ok, I vented. Time to move on.

* My favorite random question anyone has asked me about my book so far- "Does Brent only have 7 toes too?"

* Spring Training games for Major League Baseball begin in about 40 days. This March, for the first time in what feels like forever, I will be free to travel a bit and catch a few games outside of Tampa. Who's ready to join me?

* If she were local I know that Ashley Goad (Springfield) would be my baseball buddy for the entire month. But in other Ashley news, she is now a proud homeowner in Shreveport, LA. Congratulations, Prudence! I know you will love your new home for the 10 weeks a year you are actually in the country!  :)

* And finally...I am totally addicted to the new tv series Scorpion. I love the characters and the interaction between them. Plus the action is great without being too over-the-top. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot. Tell Walter that Carl sent ya!

That's it for today. Have a blessed weekend. And thanks for reading!

Because of Jesus,


  1. I am still TOTALLY enjoying your manuscript!!! Unfortunately, my school work for spring semester is trying to hog up all my time but I sneak it in whenever possible or even not possible. ;-) I think I might be about halfway through it. :-) And, I'm bummed out when I have to study instead of hang out with your characters. P.S. I am also fortunate there a Krispy Kreme close to my house! ;-)

    1. I totally understand school taking over, my friend, but I am glad you miss my characters! That means a lot to me. And Krispy Kreme...oh my!!!

  2. I'm still loving your manuscript! I like your writing style and the fullness of your characters! Thank you so much for sharing it with me!

    1. Thanks so much, Brook! Glad you like it. And thank YOU for taking the time to read it!


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!