
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Every Day is New Year's Day!

Happy New Year's Eve, everyone! I pray that 2015 will be a blessing for each and every one of you. New Year's Day is such an interesting time. So many hopes, so many dreams, so many things we hope to accomplish. Most of us know the frustration of making a resolution, only to fall short of our goal. We plan to lose weight, to exercise more, to quit smoking or to forgive a friend. Some of our resolutions don't even last a day. You know why? Because we are humans, and without heavenly help we are weak. The problem is not that we fail- the problem is that we fail ONCE and then give up! You know the drill-I ate a doughnut and blew my diet, so there is no need to diet anymore. We only give ourselves one chance at success.

Aren't we glad God doesn't hold us to the same standard? Scripture tells us that our sins are washed away if we bow a knee to Jesus Christ. We are forgiven 70 x 7 times (and no, God doesn't stop at 490!). Romans tell us that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is Jesus. No matter how often we slip and fall, Jesus will still be there to pick us up and love us.

So today I would like to suggest to you a new kind of resolution. One that doesn't end as soon as your resolve gives way, but rather that offers you grace. A second chance. Under this system (to quote the great songwriter Carolyn Arends"everyday is New Year's Day!"  Check out the lyric:

I buy a lot of diaries, fill them full of good intentions
Each and every new years eve, I make myself a list
All the things I'm gonna change, until January Second
So this time I'm making one promise
Yeah, This will be my resolution, Every day is New Year's Day
Oh, this will be my resolution, Every day is New Year's Day.
Well I believe it's possible, I believe in new beginnings
I believe in Christmas Day, and Easter Morning too
On the list it's doable, cuz I believe in second chances
Just the way that I, believe in You
Yeah, this will be my resolution, every day is New Year's Day
Oh, this could start a revolution, 
every day is...
One more chance to start all over
One more chance to change and grow, 
one more chance to grab a hold of grace and never let it go
This will be my resolution, every day is New Year's Day, 
Oh this could start a revolution, every day is--New Year's Day.
Carolyn Arends, 1997  

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could offer that kind of grace to ourselves? And to each other?  That could start a revolution! That could change the world! And isn't that what Jesus called us to do? So make every day a new beginning and remember- if Jesus is your Lord and Savior, then there is nothing you can do to make God love you more, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you less! Let us resolve to be a people of grace. And let us resolve to give all the glory, honor and praise to the One who is worthy of our worship- Christ Jesus, the King! So have another doughnut for now...then start your diet again tomorrow! God bless and Happy New Year!

Because of Jesus,

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