
Friday, September 5, 2014

The Final 30/30: Bucket List

Today the 30/30 Vision Blog Challenge comes to a close. It's been fun, using prompts to write 30 different posts over the past 30+ weeks. It's given me a focus and a commitment that keeps me writing. So in some ways I am sad to see it end. However, it does- today! The final prompt is to list 5 things that are my Bucket List- things I want to do before I die. In my case, the list of things I want to do is mostly about people I want to see. I will not list those. There are two friends with whom I would love to relive very special moments, but those details are personal and will not be shared here. But here are 5 things (in no particular order) I want to do- or do again- before I kick the old bucket!

  1. Travel to New York City with my son. I have been to the city dozens of times, but never with Will. We have much to see, do and eat together in the Big Apple.
  2. Visit my friend Rick Bundschuh at his home. Mostly because his home is in Hawaii, and he has a guest house on the beach. Never been to Hawaii...
  3. For many years, writing a book was on my list. Now finishing my novel is near the top of the chart! So close...but not done yet.
  4. Rent an RV and travel across the country with family and friends. I love a good road trip, and there are so many things I'd love to see. Or see again. 
  5. Record one of my songs in a real studio. I did this once- 20 years ago for a video for FUMC-Kissimmee- but the studio was also filled with our children's choir who sang back-up. I'd like to try one more time and see if real technicians and real musicians could make something of one of the songs I have written.
So there it is. The final post in this series, and 5 things from my Bucket List. Thanks for reading along. To see links for all 30 of these posts, just click here. I hope you have a great Friday and a blessed weekend!

Because of Jesus,

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