
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday Shouts Outs!

Summer is coming to an end, with many schools back in session and a big heatwave frying us here in Tampa. It's hard to believe September, football and autumn are lurking just around the corner- but they are. While we were disappointed we didn't get to do our Springfield Friends Reunion due to the death of Marilyn's father, we have great hopes of rescheduling that soon. And so with those happy thoughts in mind I present another edition of the Saturday Shout Outs! I'm feeling pretty random today, so look out! Let's get started...

* Many of my friends- in Florida, NC and various other places- are school teachers. We need to continue to pray for all of our teachers as they seek to give their very best to students in a world where red tape and bureaucracy far too often rule. There are way too many to list them all, but I have been thinking and praying for each of you. Have a great year, teachers, and never forget that what you do is one of the most important jobs in the world!

* Speaking of teachers we know, our dear friend Lisa Jewett (Wesley Memorial Tampa) became a grandma for the 4th time this week! That's Lisa on the right, with Marilyn. Baby Abram is doing well, as are momma Joy and daddy Ken. We also need to pray for Lisa, whose older grandkids Lilly and London head back north to their mom's this week for the school year. Lisa will miss them so much.

* I rag on Facebook a lot, and often it deserves it. For instance, the new messenger app invades your privacy in a way George Orwell would have said was preposterous while writing 1984. But it does serve a great purpose in my life. Marilyn's FB serves as a daily prayer list for me. I can read the joys, pains and concerns of so many old friends, and see what their families are up to. And then I can pray for them. Or should I say, YOU. To pray for God's people is indeed a great privilege. 

* It's not too late to make a donation and help Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-Kissimmee) get her novel published! It's a great book and I know you will all want a copy, so join her Dream Team and be part of the fun! Only a couple of days left to contribute, so click here and let's do this!!!

* Another great thing about both FB and Twitter is keeping up with friends who are in ministry and seeing what amazing things they are up to. David Mercadante (Springfield Friends Meeting) was very young (that's him and his cousin Stacy around 1992) when I knew him, but he has grown into a wonderful husband & father and an outstanding pastor at Poplar Ridge Friends in NC. I love reading the stories of their ministries and his family. But I have to admit that it makes me laugh when I think that little Dave is the lead pastor for my old partner in youth ministry crimes, Tim Vestal. Life sure throws curve balls sometimes! 

* For those who have asked, my own novel is still coming along, just much more slowly than at first. I am struggling with how I want it to end, as the characters are very important to me and sometimes fiction is a great make things right. Since it takes place in the present-day Myrtle Beach area, I have some rewriting to do to get the details correct after my visit last week. But I am still writing

* While at the beach last week I got a chance to hangout with one of most special people I have ever known, Beth Vestal McGalliard from my youth group days at New Garden Friends Meeting. We had not seen each other in 7 years, but as soon as we started talking it felt like it had been 7 minutes. It was the same when I saw Tammy Doggett Foster a couple of weeks ago in Orlando, and when Steve & Carl Semmler were here in March. I say it here often, but it is true that some people leave footprints on your heart and you are never the same again. And that will never change. Now I just look forward to seeing some more of the old gang (I'm looking at you Denise, Donna, Alan, Susan, Neal & the rest!) in NC from those days, college days and my Quaker Lake days.

* Darren Rovell, the top business reporter for ESPN, tweeted this yesterday: Another record donation day for the and its chapters. $11.5 million donated YESTERDAY  I know it may seem a little silly, but it's working and doing great things. To those of you who have participated, we salute you!!!

* Cindy Martin (FUMC-Kissimmee) has put forth a brilliant idea. In early September you can get half price seats at Broadway shows in NYC, so she is suggesting we plan a reunion for September 2015! It could be for not only Kissimmee alumni (that's them, 1995 edition), but anyone else from the old days who has the urge to do New York with me one more time. The idea has merit- and I think I may have the energy to plan one more big adventure in this beat up old body. So what do you think? Anyone interested?

I'll stop there for today. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Stay cool, stay in touch, and know that our prayers are with you where ever you may be! I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment, email, or text me at 813-919-3755. Many blessings to you all, and thanks for reading!

Because of Jesus,

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