
Monday, August 25, 2014

Our ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

This weekend my wife Marilyn and I were finally nominated to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge came from my old buddy Todd Willis. Wanting to be a part of something larger than ourselves, to give to a worthy cause and to cool off on a hot Sunday afternoon in Tampa, we completed the challenge yesterday. The video was shot by our son Will, and you can see our dog Conner wandering around throughout the brief film. It was a true family event. 

Like any great movie, the film was not without bloopers and controversy. You will see Marilyn crack up just before I pour the ice water on my head; that is because Conner had just taken a big poop right in the driveway. The fact that we completed the shoot in one take while laughing that hard is a tribute to the cast and crew. Immediately upon conclusion of the film, Will and I both questioned whether Marilyn had actually poured the ice water on her head or not. She denied wimping out, but friends on her Facebook also challenged her. She was accused of only getting one ear wet and using a "sideways, glancing" bucket pour. Our friend Lisa (whom I nominated) says that when she completes the challenge she thinks Marilyn should have to do it again and do it right. There is more of this story still to be written. I am expecting the paparazzi to arrive most any time now...

The key to any fundraising effort is to draw attention to your cause. By that standard, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is one of the best success stories in recent memory. It's raising money, drawing people together, and drawing attention to a terrible disease that affects so many. We were particularly glad to answer Todd's challenge as his father-in-law is one of those who needs our help. So if you haven't done so yet,make a donation to the ALS Association. Pour some ice water on your head. And become a part of a real movement. How many opportunities do we get to do that? Here's our video!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous8/25/2014

    I am a regular reader who does not know you or your wife, but often appreciate your posts so much. However, I have to weigh in here. Marilyn, your accusers are correct. That was wimpy. Try again! - Karen B.

    1. Thanks for reading, Karen! And for weighing in. The fans will decide if she needs to try again!

  2. Anonymous8/25/2014

    Cut the lady some slack! She did matter how dry she stayed when the water ran down ONE side of head. LOL Seriously, great video. Really hate you didn't get the do in action though. ~Chris Cooper

    1. Chris, I will let public opinion rule the day. Thanks for your half-hearted support of my wife! :)


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!