
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday Shout Outs!

Welcome to the the Memorial Day weekend edition of the Saturday Shout Outs! Before we begin today, let's take a moment to remember all of those who have give their lives in the service to our great nation, to family and friends and the kingdom of God. "Greater love has no one than to lay down their life for their friends." Jesus said it (in John 15:13) and it is still true today. So remember...

And now on with the shouting!

  • Holly Harward Yandle (Springfield Friends Meeting) gave birth to a baby girl this week in Wilmington. Emma Joy Yandle was born May 21 at 7:03 pm. She was 7lbs 13oz, and 19in. long. Holly, daddy Marc and all the little Yandles are fine. My FUMC-Kissimmee friends may remember Holly as well. She lived with us the summer Will was born- 1995!
  • My dear friend Denise welcomes home her daughter Kate today after a semester spent in Wales. What a great adventure for Kate, and what a blessing for Denise to have her home!!!
  • The grandfather of Mike Spires, hubby to Lisa Kraus Spires (FUMC-K) passed away on May 17. Continue to keep that family in your prayers.
  • To all of my school teacher friends who are nearing the completion of another year- hang in there, bite the bullet, count to 10 and finish strong! Or at least without completely losing it! You are heroes to so many!
  • My Twitter buddy Robert Damron sent best wishes to a few friends with the following tweet yesterday- Have a great Friday and may your enemies swim with the fishes  Yes, these are my people!
  • Ashley Goad (Springfield) is headed back to Costa Rica (first time since 2010 she tells me!) today with lots of friends old and new on another mission trip. As always, keep Ashley, her team, and their work in your prayers. 
  • Welcome home Evan Ayers!!!
  • My favorite tweet of the week came from @MikeFoster - i luv that Jesus was more interested in the common man than the religious. he talked about lilies and birds. not dogma and churchiness. Amen & AMEN!
  • Marie Allen Duke and Kelly Allen Olmeda (Springfield) lost their great uncle Phillip yesterday. Sympathy to the entire Allen family, including Roger Dale and Gail. Love you guys.
  • Will Jones has given thumbs up reviews to summer movies Neighbors and Godzilla, and cannot wait to see the new X-Men flick Days of Future Past on Monday. More reviews to follow!
  • I saw a picture of Keri Vinson Johnston (Springfield) with her recent high school graduate daughter Savannah on Facebook yesterday. Twenty years later and Keri looks exactly the same. And her daughter looks just like her! My former youth continue to find new ways to make me feel OLD!
  • Remember, if you're coming to Walt Disney World or the surrounding area this summer we want to know about it! We'd love to meet you at the parks, or for lunch, or whatever! Just give us a little warning!
  • If you missed my blog post from Wednesday - The Howarts School of Youth Ministry- then check it out now. Inspired by the words of Jenninfer Minnigan Kuramochi (FUMC-K), it is a reminder of how much each and every one of the youth ministries I served was blessed in so many ways, with a few reminders of some the amazing things we got to do over the years. Plus, you really need to check out the comments at the end of the post. Apparently I'm going to hell!
  • And finally... this is SO COOL!  Martha Godwin, grandmother to Jeremy Godwin and Shelley Godwin Kirby (Springfield) is now in the Guiness Book of World's Records for having played the organ at Macedonia UMC in NC for 73 years! Absolutely amazing!!! Imagine all the people who have lifted praise to God with her at the keys...what a blessing!
Best wishes for a great holiday weekend to one and all. Be blessed!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. It was a dry day yesterday. Nobody swam with the fishes. Have a blessed weekend my friend.


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