
Friday, May 16, 2014

30/30: One Big Regret

One Big Regret. If you know me or have read along this blog for any period of time, then you know my biggest regrets. I regret ever becoming in Internet chatting. I regret an instant message conversation that changed my life and the life of my family forever. And I regret losing my ministry with youth as a consequence of all that. Those are major regrets. And if you know me at all, you know I have spent the past 7 years trying to move past those regrets and back into living my life. Dwelling on regrets accomplishes nothing. But we all have them.

For today's 30/30 Vision Blog Challenge, the prompt says to share one big regret. Like most of us, I have a long list to choose from. There are regrets from past decisions, relationships and actions- and I would love if they all came with do-overs! But as some wise person once wrote or said, it seems we regret the things we don't do more than the things we do. And my one regret I'll share today is about an opportunity lost; a chance not taken in the days of my youth.

I was never in a band.

Oh sure, I played in praise bands at church for a number of years- but that's not what I'm talking about. I played guitar and sang at clubs, open mic nights and bars by myself when I was younger. I entertained at special events at churches many times over the years. And all of that was very cool. But I never got the chance to stand in front of a real band, with drums, bass and blaring guitars playing for a loud and rowdy crowd in some smelly bar- and just ROCK the house! There were chances along the way, but I missed them- and at age 54 I'm not sure "rock star status" is waiting for me in the years to come. And while there are more serious regrets I could burden you with today, this is the one I am going with for the purpose of this post. I regret never being in a real band. 

And that's all I've got say about that. :) .


  1. You're a one-man-band.....that counts in my book :)

    1. Well then...I guess I'm good after all! I take it all back! :)

  2. Oh no. Wild Thing is on my playlist for sure.The only question would be who to dedicate it to...

  3. Anonymous5/16/2014

    So... did you have a name for that band? Maybe created on a beach somewhere? Maybe better left unsaid 'cause it sounds goofy now?

    1. I think there were several names dreamed up on that beach.. And a few songs as well. Although "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Planet" is still begging to be done...maybe reggae style?


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