
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

That Sinking Feeling

Do you have that sinking feeling that all the prayer, reading, Bible studies and seminary classes haven't turned you into a super Christian? Are you tired of trying to follow all the rules and say all the right things so that you can be "good enough" in the eyes of God? Then may I suggest something? GIVE UP! Because not a single one of us can be "good enough" for God. And that's Good News...

I have been re-reading my friend Rick Bundschuh's brilliant book, Deep Like Me. Rick reminds us that just as Peter sank in the waves when walking on the water, we all sink sometimes. We are all "deep" like Peter. And we all need rescuing. We can be in a right relationship with God not because of anything we do, but because of what Jesus DID! I hope that these thoughts will comfort you as you walk these last days of Lent in preparation for Good Friday and Easter. We often beat ourselves up for our lack of faith, lack of commitment or failure to grow spiritually as quickly as we think we ought to. We go back on promises to ourselves and to our God. And far too often we think we are the only ones who fail. Rick writes these words of encouragement. Soak in them:

You are not alone. Others of us have those same thoughts and feelings.

You are not that weird. Our faith is often convoluted, inconsistent and conflicted.

You will make it. You still have a long way to go, but by hanging on to Jesus, your faith understanding and and wisdom will grow, and yes, it is difficult and even baffling at times.

I would like to tell you that the journey gets easier over time, but that would be a half-truth. At the very point that you acclimate and finally get used to the new spiritual altitude, God hollers at you to get up and get moving again.

Take comfort in knowing you are not alone. Get charged up knowing that God has more for you. Always. Remember, even his closest followers thought Jesus was done on the Cross of Calvary. But he wasn't finished; death was! The story did not end on the Cross, and because it didn't OUR story is still being written as well. Don't give up hope. Just give up the stinkin' thinkin' that says following Jesus is some self-improvement plan. We will all fall short today. And that's...OKAY. It is Grace makes all things new again each and every day. That sinking feeling you feel is completely normal. Just relax and float. The Great Lifeguard is always on duty...

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/09/2014

    Love this post, my brother! It's so true- we are all sinking and need the Lifeguard. Blessings to you and your family! ~ Chris Cooper


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