
Thursday, April 17, 2014

It Was 20 Years Ago Today...

Springfield Youth in Action
OK, so maybe it wasn't today- that just made for a much catchier title! But 20 years ago this week Marilyn and I made a move that changed our lives. It's been 20 years since we packed up the big truck and moved ourselves from High Point, NC to Kissimmee, FL. It was one of the hardest things we have ever done. We loved Springfield Friends Meeting, and by moving after 8 years there we knew we were "messing with happy"  - something my Grandpa Jones warned me never to do. Our family and friends were in NC. We were leaving behind an amazing youth ministry that we had basically built from the ground up. There were so many reasons to stay. But God was calling us to the First United Methodist Church of Kissimmee. So we went. And as usual, God had some special things in mind...for us and for Springfield.

FUMC-K at the Betsy B
We went on to spend 6 years at FUMC-K and build relationships with so many great people who are still a huge part of our lives today. The youth ministry there grew and thrived, and we were able to witness God do some incredible things. I do not for one second regret the move to Kissimmee. Will was born there. we got to travel to Spanish Wells, as well as work with John Willis, Andrew Lewis and many other amazing staff members. And some of those "youth" I am now proud to count among my very best friends. My time there ended in a bit of a mess with a new pastor, but those things happen and then it was time to move on. Those years were a blessing to myself and my family.

Andrew and I singing- probably Amazing Grace to the tune of
Gilligan's Island! I miss that man!
And things turned out pretty well for Springfield as well. After taking some time to search for my replacement, they hired my old friend Ray Luther. That was in 1995, Ray never left. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Springfield. God's timing was perfect. As always.

So this Throwback Thursday, some 20 years in the making, seemed like the perfect to time to praise God for the people of SFM and FUMC-K and the miraculous difference they made in our lives. And for so many, for the blessings they continue to bring us today. A year ago this Sunday we had a fantastic reunion of Kissimmee friends. Springfield, your time is coming. I love you all!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Thankful for your ministry in and out of NC, in and away from QLC. You my friend have been a good and faithful servant. Praise God for you and your family.

    1. Shelia your words are far too kind and you are way too sweet. But thank you. I'm so blessed to have friends like you.


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