
Monday, April 28, 2014

A Graceland Fairytale

Once upon a time...there was a man named Bubba. He lived in two worlds- this planet we all occupy together and a wondrous place called Graceland. Now you won't find Graceland on a regular map, and if you Google it you'll probably be told it was the house Elvis lived in. This was not that Graceland. This was a very different kind of place...

Bubba, being human and not any kind of magical creature, made mistakes in his life. Some were bad, some were not so bad, but they were mistakes. One was so bad that he was locked in the Tall Tower of the dreaded castle Hillsborough County for 7 years, where the local friendly gargoyles made sure he didn't leave until he had been properly punished for what he had done. In the beginning Bubba was very sad and often without hope. But somewhere along the way he remembered something VERY important. He was a citizen of Graceland, and no matter what else was happening in his world he would be OK. You see, Bubba knew the KING. The KING had already called Bubba by name, and had forgiven him for the things he had done. This made Bubba very special, but not at all unique. The KING of Graceland offers grace and forgiveness to everyone. We just have to accept it. 

Then word came from the Royal Court that Bubba was to be freed from the Tall Tower. He could once again travel throughout the land, doing things he had not done and seeing people he had not seen. And so Bubba began to cross drawbridges and expereince life all over again as a free man. He traveled to the magical land of Tropicana Field to see his beloved Tampa Bay Rays play baseball...

He traveled to mystical Clearwater Beach with his fair maiden to eat a REALLY good blackened grouper sandwich and some conch fritters...

And then yesterday Bubba found his way back to his Happy Place, where he visited with Pirates and Ghosts- but more importantly walked down Main Street again with his family and friends in a place where he has shared so many memories with so many people over the years. Word has it that our friend Bubba got a little teary-eyed...

So many people were so happy for Bubba, and they congratulated him on his new found freedom- which was indeed an amazing thing. And the joy Bubba felt as he explored his new life was not to be denied. But the truth is this- the real freedom in his life had been confirmed years before, when he was reminded that the KING of Graceland loved HIM. That all he had done was forgiven and forgotten because of the King's Son. That regardless of what life in this world might throw at him, his happily-ever-after was already assured because of the love of the KING. And so at the end of his magical weekend of travel and rejuvenation, Bubba simply fell into bed and thanked the KING for a life full of blessings and the grace he could never earn or deserve. And then our friend Bubba- with dreams of more adventures and more people who need to know about the wonders of Graceland still dancing in his head- slept like a rock. 

So what's the point of this Graceland Fairytale? Embrace the magic that comes from living in God's grace and spending time with the KING. And always...ALWAYS...remember to say thank you to a God who loves you beyond all measure and to the friends and family who help you to never forget that fact. Have a blessed week, fellow travelers!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous4/28/2014

    OK, now I'm the one all teary-eyed. Wow- what a testimony. ~Chris Cooper

    1. Thanks so much Chris. I am have so much to be thankful for.

  2. Replies
    1. Susan...thank you for your part in Bubba's life. You'll never know how much it means to him!


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