
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#DangerDays: Amy Nabors' Story

Amy Nabors is a long-time Twitter friend, a blogger, a photographer extraordinaire and a constant encouragement to me. I know you will enjoy her guest post as much as I did! You can find links to her sites at the bottom of this post.

In August of 2011, God spoke to my heart, telling me something that made me laugh.

“You need to visit here,” I heard Him say. Don’t worry. I did not hear him audibly, but enough to know it was him. Because it was not something we would have ever considered. I had not been happy with some things at our church for quite awhile. I laughed at the thought of visiting a church 35 minutes away though.

I had friends who attended other campuses of the church I drove by that day. I knew how much they loved it. They never shut up about it actually. Every other post they shared on Facebook was about their amazing church. I wondered what it would be like to feel that way again.

But it was just not practical. It was crazy. And what would everyone think? And who drives that far to church? (Turns out a lot more people than you think do.) So I pretended I did not hear Him that day.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

I don’t know why, but I always think of these two lines from Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson when I think of God pushing us in a direction so far out of our comfort zone. We so often question why. Thankfully, His plans do not end as the poem did.

But it often feels dangerous, uncertain, when stepping out in faith. You worry about what others will think. You know others will not agree.

Three months later, after laughing and ignoring His nudge, I knew some thing had to change. We began visiting the nearest campus of the church that my friends could not stay quiet about. The one thirty-five minutes away. We were still going to the church we had attended over thirteen years, but I knew it was only a matter of time. We loved our new church.

I asked God quite often during those first several months “why" when none of it made any sense. Because it didn’t. Yes, everyone thought we were crazy. When you choose to follow God’s leading and it is something others do not understand people will wonder what you are thinking. You may even lose friendships. Some may even be offended because you have not chosen the same as they have. Perhaps it threatens the only way they have ever known.

Very few will understand. It will not make sense, but can I tell you something? It doesn’t have to. What I’m learning is that usually following His direction doesn’t make sense.  And can I tell you something else? The decisions that usually do not make any sense usually turn out to be the best decisions you can ever make. When you know God is leading your steps you have a peace in spite of what others think. It does not mean that the words of others will not hurt you. It does mean that in spite of how you feel He is faithful. It means you can embrace the change even when it is hard.

Slowly, He has revealed pieces of His plan. Almost three and a half years later I look back and see how that one move of moving to a new church was one step in His plans for us that have lead to two major moves we would have never imagined. When we remember His faithfulness and can look back and see His plan unfolding, the next step seems less dangerous than the last.
I shall remember the deeds of the Lord;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work
And muse on Your deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy;
What god is great like our God?
You are the God who works wonders;
You have made known Your strength among the peoples.
Psalm 77:11-14


  1. It's often the first step that's the most difficult. Thanks for sharing Amy and thanks for the avenue Carl.

    1. Definitely Robert. Thanks for reading!

  2. I love this story, Amy, and I'm glad you acted in faith even when it was dangerous. If you hadn't, my own daughter wouldn't have known you and been blessed by you! I'm thankful God majors in ripple effects.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! So thankful to know your precious Jenna & you!


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