
Sunday, December 22, 2013

God Noticed

In the first chapter of the Gospel according to Luke, there is a tiny little verse hidden away. Actually it's not even a whole verse, it's a phrase. As we arrive at this final Sunday of Advent, I would suggest that it is a phrase around which the whole Christmas season should revolve, and to which we should pay great attention. Stay with me for a few moments and see if you feel the same way...

The phrase is found in what is known as the Magnificat, Mary's response to her cousin Elizabeth's confirmation that Mary was pregnant with a holy child. In Luke 1:48 the good doctor records the words, "for God took notice of His lowly servant girl..." And isn't that what Christmas is all about? Remembering that God took notice of us and sent His Son Jesus to save us all from ourselves is at the heart of the holiday. And God did this not because we earned it, not because we had somehow been cheated of the opportunity before, and not because we are important. God took notice of us and showed us His love because He loves us! John 3:16 does not say "for God so loved the good people, the important people or the rich people that He sent his Son." It says that God so loved the world- and that is why Christmas happened. We needed to be noticed, and God reached out in love.

We need to do the same. The Jesus Revolution calls on us to reach out in love to those around us, but it also calls on us to do more. Who is it you need to notice this Christmas season? Who in your life needs to know that they are loved, not because they have earned it but simply because you want to share God's love with them? There have been few people in history less significant than the young girl from Nazareth we know as Mary, but even fewer have played a larger role in God's plan. God notices the insignificant, which is great news for you and for me. The true meaning of Christmas is that the love of God whose name is Jesus came down so the world would understand that God is indeed love. So take notice of those around you. This Christmas season, give them the same gift God gave us all on that first Noel. Give them Jesus.

Jesus- the only hope for me is you- and YOU alone!

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