
Sunday, June 29, 2014

The First Song I Sing

I woke up this morning with a song running through my head. It was a an old Sonny Salsbury tune (from Yo Anderson's great Songs & Creations song book) we used to sing at youth group and at National Youth Worker's Convention years ago, back when a praise band was a guitar and praise choruses were simple and singable. And as the chorus progresses, each "Praise the LORD" gets higher and higher, so it is a great early morning "warm up" song as well. It seemed an appropriate thing to share today as we celebrate the Sabbath. As you will see, you are encouraged to sing along!  Have a blessed day, my friends.

The First Song I Sing

Let the first song I sing today be praise to You
Let the memory linger all day long
Let a smile and a kind deed show my praise to You
and encourage someone else to sing along

Singing praise the LORD,
Singing praise the LORD,
Singing praise the LORD,
Singing praise the LORD,

Because of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/09/2021

    that same thing happened to me I woke up think about the old song that used to sing. in our youth group many years ago at Presbyterian Church of the covenant Costa Mesa California. so I had to look it up and has blessed me all day long


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