
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Shout Outs!

Can you believe it already almost October?  Fall is in the air...unless,of course, you live in Florida like I do. Then autumn is still a couple of months away!  But still, it's football season, Halloween is a month away, and my birthday is coming it MUST be Fall! So we will consider this an autumn edition of the Saturday Shout Outs! Break out out your sweaters and warm up the hot chocolate!  Here we go...

  • Congratulations to Cindy (Moe) Martin (FUMC-Kissimmee) who is going to become a first time grandmother!  Her daughter Katherine (nope, it's not Colleen!) is pregnant, and so in a matter of months Cindy will be the coolest grandmother I can imagine. Love you, Cindy!
  • Teresa Reep Tysinger (FUMC-K) and hubby Eric and daughter Emma are headed to Walt Disney World next week. Teresa is awfully excited for someone who grew up in Orlando. Please feel free to harass her about that. And her sister Cyndi Reep Browning is finally relocated to Alabama with her family. Let's pray that she becomes an Auburn fan, NOT a supporter of the Red Elephants...or whatever the U. of Alabama is!
  • This past Monday night I was retweeted (it's a Twitter thing!) by Craig Thomas, one of the co-creators and head writers for How I Met Your Mother.  I feel so special...
  • Thank you, Lisa Jewett (Wesley Memorial UMC). No special reason. Just thank you!
  • Starting October 7th I am going to do a week of new Hall of Fame inductions here on the blog.  Check out the current inductees by clicking the Hall of Fame tab at the top, and then send me your suggestions of people that I may have overlooked from your days in youth group or at QLC. And yes Susan McBane Tuggle- I am aware you are STILL not in. You are under consideration.  Woohoo!
  • On Thursday night there was a remarkable moment in baseball history at Yankee Stadium, and part of the extended youth family from my days at Wesley Memorial UMC was very much a part of it. Mariano Rivera pitched in his final game in New York, and was pulled from the game with 2 outs in the 9th inning in a very emotional scene. As he reached the dugout and began hugging teammates and coaches, among the first people he embraced was Yankees third base coach Rob Thomson. Rob is the father of Jacqui Thomson, a very active member of the Graceland student ministry back in the day. But the connection did not end there. There was still one out to get in the 9th, and the new Yankee pitcher was Matt Daley. Matt is part of the Hall of Fame Gastler family from my Wesley years- Hal, Joanne, Jennifer and Christine. I never met Matt, but it was still quite awesome to see him strike out the final better in a game that will go down in history.  It was an amazing night for baseball.
  • I received a picture last weekend from my dear old "daughter" from my Quaker Lake days, Laura Wheeler. Wheels is preparing to move and found a turtle I had painted for her in the old QLC crafts hut way back when. I have no artistic skills, and this may well be my masterpiece!

  • My favorite tweet of the week came from Pope Francis himself- "God's forgiveness is stronger than any sin." Amen & AMEN!
  • In the past few weeks I added my 1300th post to the is blog and made my 19,000th tweet on Twitter. Neither of those things is particularly significant- I just wanted to share! I am loving Twitter again, and if you are on come find me @youthguy07. Or consider joining- I know all the best people!  :)
  • I had a 2 hour phone conversation this week with my friend from my own youth group days, Tammy Foster. Got texts from Steve Semmler & Beth McGalliard who were part of that same group, and my old friends Denise continues to look out for me as well. How can one goofy dude be so blessed...
  • Ashley Goad (Springfield Friends Meeting) is currently in London, studying as part of a grad school program. And also because she just can't stay in the U.S. for any extended period of time!  :)
  • May de le Fe-Joy (FUMC-K) became the proud new mom of baby Caleb on September 17th. Congratulations, May!
  • And finally, a huge thank you to everyone who offered prayers and support to Marilyn over the death of her Aunt Nancy. We have the best friends ever. We are blessed!
That's it for today. I hope all my readers have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Peace, my friends!

Because of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Susan McBane Tuggle9/28/2013

    And, I'm not getting any younger, either! :)


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