
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thinking About Prayer

Today I offer a reminder in this season of Lent that prayer was important to Jesus, and therefore should be important to us.  Easter is coming. Prepare your heart.

Matthew 6:9-13
And Jesus said "This, then, is how you should pray:"

Jesus gives the disciples this prayer so that there will be no doubt about what prayer is to be and not be.  It is not to call attention to yourself, by praying on street corners or using lots of pious words.  You should pray "like this" (not necessarily this prayer, but like this!) because God already knows what you need before you ask Him. Give praise to God.  Pray that His will be done.  Pray for your needs and the needs of others. There is nothing too large or too small to pray about.  Take everything before the throne of God.

1)  What does "hallowed" mean?  Do you keep the name of God and the name of Jesus full of meaning, or do you use it too casually?
2)  We know we need daily bread.  What else do we really need?  Do you pray for need, or for want?
3)  When we pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, what are we really asking for?  Are we willing to do our part?  It has been said we are God's Plan A for taking Jesus to the people, and there is no Plan B.  Are you praying to be a part of that plan?

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/10/2013

    You have asked some good questions in this post. However, this is a prayer that is designed to be a prayer for a COMMUNITY rather than an individual prayer. It is a prayer with and FOR others. The use of the plural "our" instead of "me" is central to a proper understanding of this model prayer.

    This prayer has recently become the basis for my devotional life. I pray each petition SLOWLY remembering that I am praying for and with people all over the world and throughout time. Sometimes I am so awed by this fact, that I do not get beyond the first word, "Our"...just think about all those people who are praying with me, and for whom I am praying as I say that word.

    This approach gives new meaning to the phrase "Give us this day our daily bread..." We are praying that God will provide for the needs of ALL...

    It is a mistake to pray this prayer as an individual for "my" needs and "my" concern. This is OUR prayer in the words of Jesus and with Jesus.


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!