- A Quaker farmer was attempting to milk his cow, but the cow was having none of it. After twice being kicked by the animal, the peace-loving Quaker had just about had it. He spoke to the cow these words of warning: "I would not strike thee for the world, Friend Cow, but if thou dost not produce thy milk I will sell thee to the Baptist down the road, and he shalt beat the hell out of thee!"
- "I mind the Light, but I was born to boogie!"
- "I am a Quaker. In case of emergency, please be quiet."

There's a Light that was shinning when the world began
and a Light that is shinning in the heart of a man
There's a Light that is shinning in the Turk and the Jew
and a Light that is shinning friend in me and in you
Chorus: Walk in the Light, wherever you may be
Walk in the Light wherever you may be
In my old leather britches and my shaggy, shaggy locks
I am walking in the glory of the Light, said Fox
With a book and a steeple and a bell and a key
they would bind it forever but they can't, said he
For the book it may perish and the steeple will fall
But the Light will be shinning at the end of it all
If I give you a pistol will you fight for the Lord?
No- you can't kill the devil with a gun or a sword
Will you swear on the Bible? I will not, said he,
For the truth is as holy as the book to me
There's an ocean of darkness and I drowned in the night
'til I came through the darkness to the ocean of Light
Oh the Light is forever and the Light it is free
and I'll walk in the glory of the Light, said he!
Just so you know, I sang those words as I typed them. I have been away from Friends Meetings since 1994, but it turns out that my Quaker roots run deep- and strong. And for that, I give thanks. May today be a day filled with the Light in each of our lives.
Because of Jesus,
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