
Monday, December 10, 2012

What If?

According to the Mayan calendar and other ancient predictions, we only have 11 days left on planet Earth.  I do not believe this to be true, and as a result have not really given the whole idea much consideration. But as December 21 draws near, I have been pondering a few things.  If this is really the end, it changes things.  I don't need to worry abut the massive hospital bills I just racked up- or any other bills for that matter.  Christmas shopping becomes a moot point.  I no longer need to eat healthy and watch my blood sugar- it's party time!  Bring on the key lime pies!  Yard work and house cleaning would seem superfluous.  If the end is really coming, then we should just enjoy life, right?  No rules, no responsibilities.

I do not believe these predictions in part because I believe that we (as a human race) are here until Jesus comes back.  He said he will be returning, and I believe it.  Scripture also tells us that when Jesus returns, it will be "like a thief in the night" and that no one will know the day or the time of his return.  So given all the hoopla, it seems unlikely (though not impossible) that December 21 is the day.  

But what if?  What if we do only have 11 days until Jesus returns?  What should we really do with that time?  Obviously, we need to make sure our hearts are surrendered to our LORD.  We need to make sure the people we love know how we feel.  We need to forgive those who have wronged us and ask for forgiveness from those we have hurt.  We need to reach out to those around us who are hurting, and to those who do not yet have a relationship with the Savior.  In short, we need to be the people God calls us to be 24/7, 365. We need to live up to our calling.  If the end is coming, we have so much to do.

My youth group at Springfield Friends Meeting back in the early 1990's were given t-shirts by the late Rich Mullins that bore the following message: Live like you will die tomorrow. Die knowing you will live forever.  Jesus said as much when he was here.  Live life abundantly (John 10:10) and eternally (John 3:16).  What would my next 11 days look like if I believed Jesus was coming December 21?  I pray they would not that different from the way I will live them now.  So no excuses. And don't forget my Christmas present. I plan to still be here!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous12/10/2012

    Then what do you want for Christmas? I would like one of those Springfield shirts......

    1. That would work former too, but I am afraid they are long gone. Merry Christmas!

  2. Anonymous12/10/2012

    I think you have inspired my next blog post! good help brother

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. I wonder if they will come up with the 'miscalculation' excuse? Haha

    I don't really want anything this Christmas... I have everything I need, hmm maybe some candies though... =]


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