
Monday, September 1, 2014

Jesus Knows Labor Day

Remember the "Bo Knows" Nike commercials (around 1990) that featured amazing 2-sport star Bo Jackson?  The idea was that whatever you wanted to talk about, Bo knew.  They were very successful and I loved them.  If you don't remember, here's one of my favorites...

OK- so Bo didn't know everything!  But as we take time today to celebrate Labor Day and take a day a rest, I would like to remind us all that Jesus does.  And he most certainly knew Labor Day.  Way before the government set aside the first Monday in September to take a rest from our labors, Jesus told us all that we can always find rest and peace in him.  Any day. Every day.  Read these words from Matthew 11: 28-30:

"Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn of me
For I am gentle and lowly in heart
Here you will find rest for your weary soul
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light
Come to me."

So anytime you are feeling overwhelmed by the burdens of the world, remember, there is someone who knows. Someone who understands.  Someone who loves you.  Bo may not know diddley, but Jesus knows everything about us, and he still wants us to come to him.  Amazing grace indeed!

Because of Jesus,

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