
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get To Know Me- The Sequel!

Back in February of 2011 I wrote a post called Get To Know Me to help you, my beloved readers, understand a little more about the weirdness that is me.  Today I bring you the sequel, with even more fun facts abut my life.  Again, in traditional youth ministry fashion, we will do this as a game.  Hidden in the following list of facts is one false statement.  Post your guess as to which one is the lie in the comment section and I will draw a winner from among the correct answers.  What will you win? How about the latest Newsboys CD, God Is Not Dead!  Pretty cool, huh?  So here we go...

*  I was once part of a Womanless Beauty Pageant at Springfield Friends Meeting, entering as the fabulous Carlita.  I finished dead last. I was one UGLY woman!  All pictures have been destroyed.
*  I have written or co-written close to 200 songs. Some of the silly ones are quite famous in certain circles.  Some of the more serious ones I have sung in a few places (like Quaker Lake Camp) for small audiences.  Some of the best ones have only been heard by one person.
Conner Dog
*  My first dog (and only dog until Conner came along many years later) was named Tippy, because he had a tip for a tail.  Tippy was a "Heinz 57"- a mutt, who only had one eye due to an accident he had when he was 6 weeks old.  He died with his head in my lap on our way to visit my grandparents.  To this day whenever something goes missing or I forget to do something, I blame it on Tippy.
*  I cannot read music.
*  My mother was one of 5 sisters, yet I have only 3 cousins on that side of the family.
* Eating lima beans will make me barf. My second grade teacher, Mrs. Ware, did not believe me.  She does now.
The Caribbean Beach Resort
*  I have stayed at 10 different Walt Disney World resort hotels.
*  I once performed an hour long concert in the Pioneer Family Restaurant in Archdale, NC, under the stage name Bubba.
*  At various points in time I coached youth football, youth basketball and Little League baseball.  Just to be clear, at no point in time did I ever coach youth soccer.
*  I have seen both Neil Diamond and Barry Manilow live in concert. 
*  Among my 2290+ Twitter followers are at least 10 former youth group members.
*  In high school, as part of a Yearbook assembly (I was editor), I once danced to Rock Around The Clock in front of the entire student body.
Myabi Kyoto's, Myrtle Beach
*  In 28 years of student ministry, not once were we ever asked not to come back to someplace we were staying or dining.
* I was once on stage with the band Third Day.
*  I once sold steak knives door-to-door in North Carolina.
*  My first girlfriend was Susan Kochel- in 5th grade. She dumped me on a field trip to Old Salem.
*  I once took a group from FUMC-Kissimmee to Atlanta for a Braves game and it was delayed for a few hours. But not by rain. Because the stadium caught on fire.
*  In 1988 I was featured in a brochure for YouthQuake, a national Quaker youth conference. Everyone agreed that my picture looked like a young Hitler.
*  My youth ministry career spanned 8 different churches in 4 states; one camp, one para-church organization, and one denominational position.
Long time ago...
* My wife, whom I have known for 30 years, has never seen me in person when I did not have a moustache.
*  And finally, the first new car I ever bought for myself was a 1984 Renault Encore. It was wrecked by an unnamed youth who drove it less than 2 miles one Sunday afternoon.

So there you have it.  Lots of random facts, a few pictures, and one lie.  It's more than you wanted to know I'm sure, but now you have a little more idea of why I am the way I am!  Hope you enjoyed it and will take a guess at my one untruth.  See you tomorrow with the correct answer...and the winner!


  1. Anonymous9/19/2012

    I am guessing that you never saw both Diamond AND Manilow in concert. And if you did, I do NOT want to know why! ~ Chris Cooper

    1. I did see both, and in both cases I blame my dates. And I have to admit I enjoyed them both. Oh the humanity...


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