
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Saturday Shout Outs!

This blog turns 3 years old tomorrow, and so my final post of my third consecutive year of blogging is most fittingly a list of shout outs.  This is only fun because there are so many wonderful people in my life who read along. Today I thank all of you and share some news about some of you.  So hang on, it's time to get started!

  • Please keep Marilyn in your prayers this week as she seeks to survive her daily commute into the mess that is the RNC in Tampa.  Yuck!  And also prayers for those in the path of the tropical storms now in the Caribbean. 
  • Lisa Jewett (Wesley Memorial UMC) has more going on with her family these days (most of it very good!) than I have space to write about here, but please keep her and her family in your prayers this weekend. Love you. Lisa! OH...and welcome to Twitter!!!
  • Cyndi Reep Browning (FUMC-Kissimmee) and her family were flooded out of there house in NC all this week and had to stay at a motel.  Hopefully they are returning home today. Our thoughts are with Cyndi, Josh and Grayson!
  • Jeremy Godwin (Springfield Friends Meeting) and his wife Laura are at Disney this weekend, and then Jeremy has to stay in Florida a few days for a trade show.  If Tropical Storm Issac and the Republicans cooperate, we hope to get together on Tuesday.  Always so great to catch up with old friends!
  • One of my old Kissimmee angels, Lauren Carr Cacciatore, had a birthday this past week.  I know she is sorry we weren't around to put her through the "Cookie Machine!" But of even bigger news is that Lauren and hubby Brad are looking ahead to a "birth date" in about 9 months.  Congratulations, guys!!!
  • I cannot imagine that I would still be blogging without the constant support of my Twitter family.  Jenn Ganley, Robert Damron, Johnny Clay, Christy Weatherby, Jason Huffman, Amy Nabors, the Great Lizardella, Nomad Stacey and many others are regular readers and perpetual encouragers.  You guys truly are "Ohana."  I am so blessed.
  • We have been praying for months that Marie Allen (Springfield) would find a job in her field.  She has, and I thank God for her courage and persistence. And for her support of me.  You are the best, Marie!
  • Today is that most special of days on which we celebrate the birthdays of 2 Hall of Fame students from the my Springfield years- Heather Beggs Varner and Jill Gilbreth Bryant!  Of all the dates I have stored away in my mind, this one is the easiest to remember, because both of them would remind me every day for 6 months ahead of time.  And I loved it!  Happy Birthday,  Boogger and Jilly Bean!
  • And finally, to all of you out there who pray for me, who worry about me and who check on me from time to time, I say thanks.  You will never know who much it means to me to get texts and phone calls just because.  Special shout outs today to Dr. Jill, Denise May Langley, Jerry Hanbery, Ashley Goad Broadhurst, Lisa Kraus Spires, Jamie Robinson, Todd Willis, Teresa Reep Tysinger, Joanne Gastler, Millie Simmons, Susie Thomas and Jennifer Minnigan Kuramochi for sticking with me.  And again, thanks to all of you who read and support this blog.  It means a great deal to me.
Come back tomorrow and see what I have cooked up for the celebration for my 1097th consecutive day of blogging.  I will be here.  Love to you all in the name of Jesus!

Because of Jesus,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Carl, I am having lots of fun with this job too! I am so excited about teaching this semester. I couldn't have stayed focused without friends like you to keep my spirits up! I hope all is well. I am truly blessed to have people like you in my life!


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