
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Conner waits and plots his revenge....
I wrote yesterday about my family heading out on vacation, leaving me and our dog Conner to fend for ourselves in sunny Florida.  How was Day 1?  I offer you the following answers...

I got to spend a few final hours with Ashley Goad Broadhurst, sharing stories, Starbucks and countless laughs.  I am so proud of who she has become, and I look forward to seeing her again very soon. I also got to text a bit with my dear friends Teresa and Denise, and to have dinner with my friend Lisa.  Conner and I took a long walk last night, enjoying our beautiful neighborhood.  I talked to Marilyn and Will and found they had arrived safely in Greensboro. These were all very good things.

At some point before Ashley got up yesterday it became clear to me that the air conditioning in our home was not cooling properly.  I did everything I know to do, flipping breakers and pushing reset buttons, but there was no cold air blowing through the vents.  A repairman was called, and I waited for him all afternoon in a very warm house.  Eventually he called to inform me that he was not going to make it to our house yesterday; it would be sometime this morning before he could get to us.  I was not encouraged or happy.  Conner began packing a bag and planning his own trip to a luxury kennel.  If I had a car, I would have gone out and purchased a Slurpee large enough to soak in.  This was bad...

There are few things in life that I hate worse than trying to sleep when I cannot get cool enough.  One of those things is lying in bed sweating all night.  I didn't sleep. Conner didn't sleep well.  The ceiling fans and the floor fan were precious little help.  At one point he began to growl, and I am fairly certain he was calling me names and threatening me.  As the frustration set in, I began to believe that it could not be a coincidence that this was happening just as Will and Marilyn left town.  This was a conspiracy. They were out to get us....and Conner agrees.  Not that I am talking to the dog.  Halllucinations are setting in. Maybe the Zombie apocalypse is here after all...

So that was my yesterday.  I am still out of it this morning, but my plan is to walk to the local Steak 'N' Shake and sit and eat all-you-can-eat pancakes until they throw me out or the repairman calls- in air conditioned comfort.  This is my plan.  Should this be my final post- whether because of the Zombies, the heat, or too many pancakes- make sure they question Will about the AC conspiracy.  Conner says Will is a Beggin' Strip thief, and they cannot be trusted!  Have a blessed day, everyone, and remember....nothing is EVER as bad as it seems!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Oh my goodness! Having been without A/C earlier this summer my heart goes out to you! Didn't you have trouble with it last summer also?

    1. Last summer, last month...but this time may be terminal. Thanks for the cool thoughts, Amy!

  2. Enjoy your pancakes (and the free AC!!) Hopefully repair man will call soon. No AC is miserable, been there.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. I will survive. Hey Hey!

  3. Carl, I am so sorry your AC went out. Oh my, I cannot imagine Florida heat with no AC. Praying it is an easy fix and gets fixed ASAP. Text me if you need me. I am working this evening, but will get back to you as quickly as I can.

    1. I appreciate the prayers, Marie. If it is not fixed by tonight I will text and let you help convince me the Zombies are not real! :)

  4. I can't begin to imagine. We got tired of an evaporative cooler here in Kansas, and got a refrigerated window unit. Oh, it gets warm in the house in the evening, when the sun is bearing down on us. Takes until 3 hours after sunset to cool off again.

    I hung a lot of frozen towels in front of fans once upon a time, but that's messy.

    1. Thanks for the sympathy and the idea. Actually, I think at one point last night I may have tried sleeping under a frozen towel. You are right. Very messy...

  5. Our AC went out earlier in the summer. It was out several days, but it did so before it got too hot. My conspiracy ended when they sold us a used unit and installed it for $600 and allowed us to pay it out, as opposed to having to finance a new unite for $2,000+. Also, I've only been to a Steak & Shake once and didn't even realize they had pancakes. My steak burger was most excellent! Blessings friend as you swelter in the Florida heat. It's only been in the hundreds here with about a 70+% humidity. May you receive the blessings of coolness very soon. (I mean you're always cool, but this time we want physical cool.)

    1. Thanks, bro. I will sweat a little in your name. And you are always cool. :)


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