
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Search For God

Please hold Sally Hollingsed (FUMC-K) in your prayers.  According to reports, her cancer has become more advanced and Hospice has been called in.

The following devotional is taken from one of my favorite little books, Lois Cheney's 1969 classic God Is No Fool (Abingdon Press)- which I have now learned is back in print!  I share it today in part because of a continuing frustration I have with those who feel that people can be educated into the presence of God.  Theology, doctrine, tradition and dogma can be important to our spiritual journey.  But none can replace a relationship with Jesus.  The Pharisees knew God's word, they just didn't experience it.  Finding God is not a game of hide-and-seek.  God is here, now, waiting for you.  Enjoy these profound words...

I once knew a young man who was searching for God.  And I was touched by his search; I prayed for his search; and I loved his search.

He read a lot of books.  He thought and thought about their ideas.  He talked to many people, in pairs and in groups; they matched their minds with his and they furthered his search.  He walked and sought God in the rain.  He climbed and sought God on the mountain.  He closed himself off from the world and sought God in his soul.

He would describe his searchings and travels for truth.  He would explain how he had meticulously and prayerfully sorted, rejected and accepted.

And as the years went on, I changed from anticipating the recountings of his searches to simply receiving them; to being bored with them; to avoiding them; and him.  You see, he had fallen in love with his search.

God just isn't that hard to find.

Because of Jesus,

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