
Friday, June 15, 2012

One Day

Cyndi Reep at the Betsy B-  June 15. 1999!
Wednesday I drove my son Will the nearly 2 hours to Leesburg, Florida, so he can spend some time with my Mom.  This is an annual summer trip that I am thankful (and somewhat amazed) that he still enjoys taking.  On my way back to Tampa I was enjoying the travel time, playing music too loud and thinking about a wide variety of things and a special person or two.  At some point, I paused for just a moment (that is all I will allow myself; self-pity is not becoming to anyone) to miss my days in student ministry.  Summers were always my favorite times, and I thought about what I might have been doing that day if I were still working with youth.  That thought gave me an idea for a blog post, and after some serious digging through old files I have gathered the information to share with you.  Today is June 15.  Here is a list, directly from my old summer calendars and brochures, of what I was doing every June 15 from 1987 until 2006- from 1978 to 1986 I was working at Quaker Lake Camp most every June 15.  It's just one day.  But there are so many memories...

  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1987- We traveled to Carowinds for the day!  Carowinds is a theme park near Charlotte.
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1988-  It was the Wednesday of our Summer Safari, our first trip from SFM to North Myrtle Beach and the Betsy B!
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1989-  We met at the church for a Breakfast Club, with Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a bible study from the book of James.
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1990-  Over 60 students from SFM and Archdale Friends Meeting were at Walt Disney World in the middle of Floridays '90!  This was the 2nd of our 3 trips to WDW.
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1991-  We spent a Saturday night on the town in Greensboro with dinner and the annual Putt-Putt Masters Golf Tournament!
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1992-  We left for Atlanta, Six Flags and a Braves game!  Always a great (and memorable!) trip.
  • Springfield Friends Meeting, 1993-  Only days before leaving on our third WDW trip, it was a One on One day.  Lots of milkshakes and Cokes. Always one of my very favorite days of summer.
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1994-  The second ever Wednesday Night Live! took place in the youth room. Carlene Heck Skiles taught the lesson and the theme was Snow Night!  I confess I have no idea what we did on Snow Night...
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1995- Our middle school students got to do a Mall Invasion as part of one of our Magic Middles programs.  Named after a Keebler cookie, if I recall correctly!
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1996- We had a "welcome aboard" pool party for our newly promoted middle schools students at the home of Vic and Kay Hill.
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1997-  We were on day 2 of a week at North Myrtle Beach as the FUMC-K crowd experienced the Betsy B for the first time!
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1998-  We had a special edition SHO-Time at Planet Hollywood, then hanging out the Disney Village!
  • FUMC-Kissimmee, 1999-  We were back at the Betsy B one final time!
  • Union Church of Hinsdale, 2000- It was SHO-Time in the suburbs of Chicago, but if things went as usual, no one showed up.  Summers were DEAD in Hinsdale!
  • Union Church of Hinsdale, 2001-  There was actually nothing planned on this Saturday night, due to the reason given above.
  • Wesley Memorial UMC, 2002-  This was the opening Sunday of our very first Youth Week in Tampa.  We used clips from the movie Extreme Days and had a very serious water balloon war on the front lawn of the church.  Good times...
  • Wesley Memorial UMC, 2003-  We left Tampa for Spartanburg, SC, and our mission trip in a homeless shelter there. It was a last minute save because of funding issues, but it turned out to be a wonderful week.
  • Wesley Memorial UMC, 2004-  We were all working Vacation Bible School in the morning, and then we headed as a group to Lee Garden for the Chinese buffet! YUM!
  • Wesley Memorial UMC, 2005- I had  been asked to leave my position at the church (and therefore the house we lived in) and we had a packing party,with about a dozen of the youth coming to help me pack up Will's room.
  • Trinity UMC Waycross, 2006-  It was Happy Hour at the local Sonic Drive-In, where we drank cherry lime-aids, ate banana splits and played the card game Cocktail.  Always fun!
And there you have it- one day in my life, spread out of 20 years.  Every day full of great stories and wonderful memories, and a reminder of how incredibly blessed my life has been. Thanks for riding the time machine with me today! Now I need a nap...

Because of Jesus,


  1. I was too young in the first few, but I certainly remember my first trip to WDW in 1990, Atlanta, and to so many things that took place not on the 15th day of June! I remember trips to Carrowinds and Krispy Kreme (I get strange cravings for doughnuts at 3am on occasion, I wonder why?). Some of my best days were SFM youth activities. I credit you with a large part of my favorite childhood memories! Thank you Carl!

    1. Thank you, Marie, for being such a good friend to me and this blog! I also still have strange desires to go bowling in the middle of the night as well as go for doughnuts! We did have some great times!

  2. I'm not exaggerating when I say that my summers with you and the FUMC-K youth group were the BEST. Thanks for being our ring-leader and memory-maker.

    1. It was my pleasure. And you left a a lasting impression on me as well. :) Such great times- and more to come! REUNION!!!

  3. Memories, memories. Isn't it good to look back at the wonderful good times you had? and the fact it was documented is even better. Seems like you had a lot of amazing times throughout those years, and from the comments you also enriched the lives of others. Nice Post.


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