
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Marilyn, Will & some Dude

Father's Day has been a little strange for me these past few years.  My own Dad passed away in February of 2006, and not a day goes by that I don't miss him.  My son Will often heads up to spend time with my Mom once school is out, and quite often is with her on Father's Day.  That is true again this year. So today will feel like a pretty normal Sunday to me.  Worship at Van Dyke Church. Lunch at Moe's.  Dinner with Marilyn tonight.  And through it all I will try to remember the same things I try to keep in mind everyday of my life.  How blessed I am to have a family that loves me.  How incredible it is to have such supportive friends. And how amazing it is to know each and every day that Yahweh- creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega, the one true God- loves me like a Daddy loves a son.  In fact one Aramaic word used in scripture when talking about God is Abba- Daddy.  God cares about me so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus the Christ, to die so that my sins would die with him.  He showed us what the love of a father should look like- unconditional and sacrificial.  Those are the thoughts I will carry with me today as I miss my Dad and my son. For all of you who are Dads, I hope that those thoughts may inspire you as well.  Blessings to each of you, and have a great day with your families.  By the way- I already got my first Father's Day gift- the dog let me sleep until 5:30 this morning!  Woo-hoo!!!

Because of Jesus,


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