
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

10 Tweeps I Would Love To Meet

I have been on Twitter for nearly 3 years now, and in that time I have racked up over 2100 followers and met some amazing people.  Except that I haven't actually met them.  We have shared a great deal.  We have prayed for one another, supported one another and cared for one another.  He have shared life together.  They make me laugh on a regular basis.  They have shown me grace in so many ways.  And so many times I have wished that time, distance and circumstance would allow me to meet some of these wonderful people.  Today I want to share with you - and them - a list of 10 (actually 12- a couple of couples made the list, and you know me an numbers!) people I have never met that I hope to get together with someday on this side of heaven.  I have confidence I will see them there. No celebrities here- just real people I have come to know and love.  So without further adieu, and in no particular order... 

  • Kevin & Christie Weatherby -  Two of my very favorite people, who often inspire me and always make me laugh.  Kevin is a pastor in a cowboy church and gifted writer whose book The Great Cow-Mission has become a favorite of mine.  The story of how Christie and I found each other on Twitter is simply "Inconceivable!"  Ask if you want to know!  You can follow them on Twitter @CowboyMinistry and @mizweatherby.
  • Jenn Ganley -  My online "little sis."  Mess with her and you are messing with me!  A warm, caring and amazingly supportive soul, Jenn is also a powerhouse of strength.  Come to think of it, she would probably take care of me!  Follow @JGanley3.
  • Jason Huffman- My younger brother from another mother.  We have discussed sports, movies, music and Jesus- sometimes all in the same tweet!  Even though he often makes cracks about my old age, he is also the founder of the #EverybodyLovesCarl hashtag.  Hate to break it to him, but everybody loves @jasonbhuffman too...
  • Tracee Persiko - One of my very favorite bloggers, Tracee is also somewhat famous as a hip-hop dancer in some circles, and as a speaker for Christian groups in others. We have been connected on Twitter since my earliest days, along with another favorite, her former roommate Stephanie Dole (@CampusLifeDole). I guess that makes 13!  You can follow Tracee @TraceePersiko.
  • Robert Damron - Robert and I share a faith in Jesus and a love of college basketball. The fact that he is a Duke fan and still made this list should tell you all just how special his friendship is to me. Go Tar Heels!  @RLDamron
  • Len Evans - I cannot even begin to tell you all of the things I would love to sit down and talk about with @Len_Evans. His work with the National Network of Youth Ministries, his work with Hospice, and his heart for hurting youth pastors make him a man after God's own heart- and after mine too.  Plus he is old enough to remember all of the old YS guys that I love so much!
  • Angie Battle - Another loving and caring soul who offers much grace and comfort to many, and whom I have come to love like a sister.  We are going to enjoy a meal together someday. That is a promise, @angibattle!
  • Liza D - A fairly recent edition to my Twitter family, @itslizawithaz is the only superhero in the group, having been recently named The Lizard by my autocorrect.  We are still working on her costume. She also has excellent taste in movies.  :)
  • Amy Nabors - One of my favorite conversationalists, I can always count on Amy to respond to my tweets and leave comments on my blog.  Her faithfulness and willingness to pray for others is inspiring.  And she takes awesome pictures!  She's under the name @AmyKiane.
  • Drew & Andrea Ward - Another couple I have come to know through Twitter and this blog that I would love to have the opportunity to spend some time with.  They have a heart for Jesus, for serving students, and for watching good movies!  You can find them on Twitter at @Drewski18 & @Citrus_Sunshine. Follow them!
I could easily list another 20, and at some point I will.  But for today, I will be praying for each  of these wonderful people, and I will continue to hope for the opportunity to sit down with them in real Christian fellowship. Please plan to come back tomorrow as my 49 Days of Grace series continues.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Oh thank you Carl! That made my day! And the feeling is very mutual! So thankful for your encouragement and friendship.

  2. Wow! I'm so honored. Thank you so much for the mention! Both my husband and I love what you write on here. It is so helpful to us.

  3. Thanks ladies! It is so great to be making friends like you- wherever it may happen!

  4. Wow, Carl!! So neat to be mentioned along with these great peeps! Much appreciated, friend. :)

    1. You are very welcome. Not everyone has a superhero for a friend

  5. Anonymous4/03/2012

    WOW! This made me teary eyed friend! Thank you so very much for the honor of being a part of your amazing list! Hope to meet this side of heaven! I appreciate your grace and tweets that make me smile. Grateful for you Carl!

    1. Thanks for being one of my travelling companions on the Twitter journey, Tracee.

  6. I'm truly blown away, brother. Thanks so much for the shout-out and kind words! I'll never forget when my wife came home and introduced me to your blog, saying it would truly bless me. She wasn't kidding. Praying for you and for our paths to cross face-to-face someday!

    1. Me too, Drew! Would be an honor my friend!


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