
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Saturday Shout Outs!

Spring is in the air BIG TIME at the Jones household, and so it is time for an especially fresh version of the Saturday Shout Outs!  The 83 degree weather, the Florida Strawberry Festival in nearby Plant City, Spring Training Baseball and Will's Spring Break are all reminders of why this is an awesome time of year to live in Florida!  So who's coming to visit? :)  Now on with the show... and don't forget that clocks spring ahead tonight!

  • Happy Birthday, Marie Allen (Springfield Friends Meeting)!!! Our prayers and wishes are with you!
  • There were 2 babies born to our extended youth group family since the last time I shouted.  On February 29, Todd & Kristin Willis (mostly Kristin!) gave birth to baby girl Campbell, and all are well.  I think it is so cool to be a Leap Day baby!  Then on March 5, Christy Causey Allen and hubby Greg welcomed Connor to the world!  And as it stands right now, Jerry & Melissa Hanbery are having their baby sometime soon.  Babies, babies everywhere!  What a blessing!
  • Jeremy Godwin (Springfield) is having surgery to repair a torn tendon in his elbow on March 14.  Please keep Jeremy and his family in your prayers. And congrats to his wife Laura on her new job!
  • Nina Mock (Wesley Memorial UMC) went over to Walt Disney World on Leap Day and texted me some pictures from the big event.  I haven't decided yet if she was being a good friend or just taunting me, but either way I really appreciated the thought!
  • On Twitter the other night I go into a Monty Python & the Holy Grail line quoting contest with Robert Damron and John Clay.  Just out of curiosity, what are your favorite Holy Grail quotes? Leave them as comments for all to see!
  • Please keep my dear friend Lisa Jewett and her dear friend (and mom to former youths Jeff & Joe Miller) Carol Miller (Wesley Memorial)  in your prayers today as they help a friend deal with a tragic family death.
  • Speaking of taunting by text, Cyndi Reep Browning and Teresa Reep Tysinger did just that last night as they attended a Casting Crowns/Matthew West concert in Raleigh.  I declared Cyndi my favorite Reep and Teresa called me a jerk, but it was still awesome to be thought of on such a fun occasion.  Have I mentioned how much I love getting text messages?  :)
  • I will never get used to this being the weekend of the ACC basketball tournament and it not being THE topic of conversation.  My good friend Denise May Langley texted me Thursday night and asked if I was watching the games, which were not even on here.  I told her that in Florida they can't even spell basketball.  All football, all the time. ESPN had the games yesterday and the rest of the weekend, so I do get a chance to say Go Heels!  Right, Ashley Goad Broadhurst?
  • I mentioned it is my son's Spring Break this week.  That seems like the perfect time to offer special prayers for anyone you know who is a teacher.  The last couple of months of the school year are never easy.  Feel free to mention yourself or teachers you know in the comments and I will add them to my prayer list!
  • Join me in praying for old friends like Wayne Cook, Cathy Thacker, Darin Miller, Becky Memmelaar, David Mercadante, Tim & Sarah Vestal, Ray Luther, Heather Beggs Varner and anyone else who is in the professional ministry in any form or fashion. They carry a large burden, and we need to pray for them often.
  • Is there anyone who reads this blog who can remember ever seeing me without a moustache? You would have to be old.  The 'stache is over 30.  Should I keep it or kill it?
So there you go!  Leave comments, text me, or email me.  Or come join the fun on Twitter! I love staying in touch!  Have a blessed weekend!

Because of Jesus,


  1. Everyone knows I am your favorite's no secret! hehe And you know you love the text taunting!

  2. So true, Cyndi! So true!


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