
Friday, February 17, 2012

My Best Day in Ministry: Gary Bott

Today's post from another Twitter pal, Gary Bott, makes this series officially international- and not just North American!  Gary is married to Katie and they have 3 lively boys!  Gary oversees the children’s and youth work at Billericay Baptist Church in the UK and is passionate about seeing them discipled into an active relationship with Jesus Christ. He enjoys working with young people and being able to help them through life’s struggles. Gary recently received an MA in missional leadership and is committed to seeing the church engage with the community. He has a love/hate relationship with Tottenham Hotspur and loves American Muscle cars. In his spare time he can be found chilling with a cup of tea amongst the chickens he and Katie care for on their 'Funky Chicken Farm'.  Follow Gary on Twitter @RevBott

Hi all, I thought it would be good to shed some light on the UK youth scene by sharing my greatest day in youth ministry.

I’ve never been to the US (one day!) and I am sure there are certain differences between the youth in the UK & US, but its probably not too different! Teen angst, deep questions, parental issues, discipleship, mentoring and copious amounts of Pizza and Coca Cola!

I’ve been at my post for nearly 9 years in employment but have been involved in youth work for decades and many others who have written on this subject have summed it up for me; I don’t think I have had a best day – yet! There have been some amazing moments in this ministry, from seeing young people make commitments to Christ, getting baptized, understanding a deep theological issue, beating one of them in an eating contest, not being sick on a roller coaster ride, as well as numerous camps and trips out where relationships are built. All of these are great times and at the end of each day, you could easily say – “That was the best day” However, each time a new thing comes along it’s like a ‘best day’!

Two of the most memorable days recently were seeing my son get Baptized last year at the age of 12 – that was a great day and last week when one of my youth sent me a facebook message saying she had witnessed to a friend at school who was now interested in God! That was a great day! To see her joy in the words she wrote was uplifting and she is really showing signs of great evangelistic work!

However, I think the best days are yet to come! When I first came to this church one of the elders asked me if I would go on to do “proper adult ministry?” I bit my tongue and informed him that my heart was to be involved with youth work all my life, to which he replied – “there aren’t many 60 year old youth workers” to which I replied – “maybe that’s what’s wrong with youth ministry?” You see I have a firm belief that when you are called, you are called, until God says otherwise. I feel called to long-term youth ministry! People who have inspired me are Mike Yaconelli, Mike Pilavachi and Fuzz Kitto. All in youth ministry at older ages, with Mr. Yaconelli probably now heading up the youth ministry in glory!! 

For Mike and Fuzz, they would be able to give numerous ‘best days’ but they would still say they are yet to come! As we grow in ministry and walk with those we minister to, the more we are going to see these little acorns grow into mighty oaks! More and more we will see spiritual fruit develop in their lives and the more we will know our lives have touched their lives!

So I believe the best days are yet to come, I’ve had some good ones, but I want to see better ones and with Christ’s help, I believe they will come!

Blessings from the UK

 PS – happy to visit the US whenever you want me!

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