
Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Best Day in Ministry: Eric Hendrickson

Today's guest post comes from Twitter buddy Eric Hendrickson, a long-time youth pastor and blogger. In addition to his own work, Eric has been a tremendous source of personal encouragement to me.  It is an honor to have him share with us today!

Looking back over the past fourteen years, there have been many days that I could describe as my best day in ministry in different areas.   I look at my first day at my first church, Faith United Methodist on December 21, 1997 when I my only thought was reaching students.  I didn't worry about budget, fundraisers, how much I was getting paid, making sure I was up on the latest curriculum, playing the right worship songs, or anything.  It was all about ministry and accepting my calling.  It was simple.   I had no real structure, a 5 year plan, or anything really.  It was trying to get the students involved at this church excited about Jesus.  I owned a guitar and only knew the song Light the Fire.  And for the first couple months that was al the music we had.  We played a few games and sang one song and then I led a lesson.

I look at my first day as Full time Youth Director at Tucker First UMC, May 2, 2002  I see many similar aspects of my first place in ministry, but with knowing a few more songs.  But over the years that first day begin the best day has gone away.  Because as I've learned church ministry, new positions and day to day operations have changed to worrying about the budget, knowing when and how many fundraisers to do, worrying about taking care of my family with pay, staying current on curriculum and ministry trends, and keeping up with current worship music.  In some ways its sad, but also just a reality of things.  

But in ministry I have learned not to worry about these things.  I've learned over the past couple years that those things are important and I need to pay attention to them, but I do not need to let them get in the way of ministry and keeping that same spirit of ministry I had on December 21, 1997 and May 12, 2002
With that beings said, my best Day in ministry was July 5, 2006.  Every year at my church Lithia Springs UMC, we hosted River of Life Mission Retreat.  River of Life is a series of events held each summer aimed at enabling youth and adults, from many different churches, to come together to express the love of Jesus Christ by ministering to the people of a particular local community through exterior home repairs and improvements.  That was my fourth year leading it at Lithia Springs UMC.   I had been a part of River of Life since 1995 and had participated with in 18 different weeks as a student, musician, and team leader. But this year and this day was what I look at the best day of Ministry.  As I started to lead worship, I looked out into the crowd of over 200 students, adults, pastors, and youth workers and saw one guy.  One guy that was in full worship. A youth leader that had six students.  A youth leader who was on his first retreat and his first mission trip.  I saw the look in his eyes and recognized it from December 21, 1997 when I had my first youth program.  I saw students surrounding him and were also in full worship.  After the service I saw him speak to one and stop and pray with the young man.  It brought tears to my eyes.  I thought back to May 2, 2002 when I met this youth worker for the first time, when he introduced himself to me after youth group that night at Tucker 1st UMC.   I thought back to that Thanksgiving on 2002 when I saw this youth worker who was 16 at the time give his life to God and being called into ministry.  July 5, 2006, will always remind me of how ministry can always be the way of just reaching students for Christ and seeing those students reach others.  I'm very blessed to still have that youth worker, Mark Ashby, one of my former youth as one of my best friends and partners in ministry.  I look and see how when I let go and not worry about worrying about the budget, knowing when and how many fundraisers to do, worrying about taking care of my family with pay, staying current on curriculum and ministry trends, and keeping up with current worship music that that day can be everyday in ministry and every day can be my best day in ministry.

***Update*** After I wrote this guest blog a few hours later I got a text from one of my current students that is feeling a calling to youth ministry.  The text said, "Eric I just wanted to let you know I witnessed to someone at school today for the first time.  It was an amazing feeling to spread the word of God!"  ****

Every Day is our best day in Youth Ministry
Carpe Diem!

"I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11 My Blog Follow me on Twitter


  1. Loved this post about why we are in any kind of youth work and/or youth ministry. I've had lots of different experiences working with young people so picking just one day is nearly impossible but often ones where we were away or doing activities outside their comfort zones were my favorite days. Like speed boating up the Thames or hiking to the top of a mountain. Seeing the change, excitement and possibilities in the eyes of you through new activities are some of my favorite moments.

  2. Eric -- What a great reminder to not get lost in the details of this world but stay true to and focused on our simple yet eternally important calling to kingdom work. A great read. Thanks!


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