
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The LORD Is My Shepherd

The following is an except from the 1969 devotional classic My God Is No Fool, by Lois Cheney.  It is a book I still read on a regular basis, having first purchased it in 1976. This is one of my favorites.  I hope it blesses and challenges you as it does me.

"When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd."  ~Matthew 9:36

Once I was in a car, in a foreign country, and we were driving down a country road, and we came upon a flock of sheep. The shepherd moved to the side of the road, and all, all of the sheep followed him, regardless of whether or not they had to cross in front of a moving car to do so. These stupid, stupid sheep followed their shepherd without any thought at all.  I've since heard that this is always true- that sheep are stupid and easily led- and that they follow wherever the shepherd leads, regardless of whether it sends them into danger, regardless of whether it is the sensible thing to do, even if it kills them.

Since then, I've been very uncomfortable with the many New Testament references to the good shepherd and the fact that we are to follow God like sheep.

I live in an age (and how much more true is this in 2012) that says we must rely upon ourselves.  I have been thoroughly rained and educated to take care of myself.  I believe in a person taking full responsibility for their actions- without apology or phony humility.

As I've been trained to meet problems and essence head on- eye to eye- it has become very difficult for me to bow my head.  It has become more and more difficult to get on my knees. At times I have gotten on knees in solitary prayer; but I wonder if my heart has ever really gotten on its knees.

God asks a great deal.  It is hard, even when you want to, to be a sheep, and to follow Jesus wherever he leads us.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me- 
for in thee my soul takes refuge.

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous2/26/2012

    I want to follow where Jesus leads.

  2. I think I'd rather be a stupid sheep in heaven than a smart wolf in hell. Following has good benefits.


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