
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bonus Post: Old Friends

We are having a few technical difficulties getting today's guest post on My Best Day in Ministry up and running, so until then here is a little something I have been wanting to share all week...

This past Sunday night I had one of those surreal moments that modern technology sometimes provides in life.  My family was waiting amongst the multitudes for a table at the local Red Lobster.  It was chilly (for Florida) outside and so Marilyn and Will decided to wait inside.  It was too crowded for my taste, so I went outside to an empty bench and had a seat. To kill time, I sent my old friend Denise May Langley a text just wishing her a good week.  She immediately texted me back letting me know that I must have ESP, as she was about to sit down and have a visit with our mutual friend (and one of my oldest and best friends) Beth Vestal McGalliard, who I have not talked to in quite a while. While shooting a text back to Denise telling her to give Beth a hug for me, I received a notice on my phone that I had a direct message on Twitter from another old friend, Lisa Ramos Moran, who was writing a guest post for this blog for the very next day.  Lisa is also from that same period of my life (high school and college years) and has always been one of Beth's bet friends.  The irony of hearing from so many old friends at once just struck me as a very special moment.  Then I received a text from an unknown 336 area code number asking me when I was coming to pick them up and take them to Krispy Kreme.  Only Beth and Denise would have thought of that, as when they were in college and I had a car I got that call on many a night.  After exchanging a few more texts with both of them, they settled into their evening together reminiscing and catching up. I really hated not being there.  In fact, this whole thing of not being able to travel to NC is really starting to piss me off...

Over the following couple of days Steve Semmler left a comment on Lisa's post and I received an email from Carl Semmler once again berating my taste in music. All of these folks were some of the most important people in my life 35 years ago or so.  I find it incredible how much they still mean to me today.  Thanks guys, for the blast from the past!  And Denise, you owe me BIG TIME for the pictures of you that I did not use today.  Trust me!  :)

Because of Jesus,

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