
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another Comment Day

Happy Groundhog Day!
Welcome to the February edition of Comment Day! I hope that all of you who are blog readers will take some time today to visit your favorite writers and leave encouraging comments.  Blogging can be a lonely business, and it is always a blessing to know that people are reading along.  In January I published a list of blogs I frequent; to view that list click here.  You can also see a list of recent posts from some of my favorites on the lower left hand side on this blog.

Comments do make a huge difference to those of us who blog.  I remember well my first months of writing these posts, when I sometimes went weeks between comments.  You have so little idea if people are reading and if you are connecting with an audience.  A word of encouragement can be the difference between a writer quitting or persevering and truly finding their voice.

So spend some time today with your favorites, and be sure to leave a word of encouragement.    And spread the word on Twitter, Facebook and any other places you may roam that today is the one and only Comment Day.  Jesus once commanded us to pass his love around.  This is one small way we can spread the joy.  Now get on with it!  :)

Because of Jesus,


  1. Anonymous2/02/2012

    Now to comment on your blog for comment day. Love the pic from the movie Groundhog day. Some year I'll actually get to watch that movie all the way through.n Comment day is definitely a way to spread the joy and encouragement.

  2. Anonymous2/02/2012

    I have started doing this. Just wanted to let you know what an encouragement you are and how fun leaving comments are.

  3. I think this makes 27 for me today. I'm loving my 2nd comment day!


Thanks for reading,and thanks for your comment!